Comparative Religions

Comparative Religions

(Showing 13 – 24 products of 76 products)


British Secularism and Religion (P/B)


This interesting, topical and sometimes heated, conversation among theologians, social scientists and policy experts on British secularism helps to shed vital light on the challenges of accommodating religious minorities and majorities within modern societies. The contributors question a number of received assumptions about the public role of religion, and also challenge traditional Muslim suspicions of secularism, thus succeeding in moving the debate on Islam in Britain, and secular polities in general, to new and very promising ground. This is a vital contribution to ongoing topical debates on secularism, pluralism, inclusion and the direction modern societies should take. Dr. Abdelwahab El-Affendi, University of Westminster Religious voices in favour of secularism are often absent from the debate on religion and politics. But as a political attitude that will guarantee freedom of belief for all, secularism is relevant to all. This volume – though non-religious secularists may find much to challenge within it – is a welcome contribution to this most important of modern debates. Andrew Copson Chief Executive, British Humanist Association –Commissioned

This volume on the role of Muslims in British society very helpfully addresses two concepts about which there is currently much confusion, namely secularism and secularity. The fact that it does this in conversation with some of the other interested parties, namely Jews and Christians, and that it seeks to combine specifically religious, or theological, and political, or social-scientific, approaches, means that it will be of interest to both theoreticians in the academy and practitioners in different areas of society, and it therefore deserves a wide readership. Professor Hugh Goddard, Director of the HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, University of Edinburgh –Commissioned

The question of the relationship between politics and religion tends to generate more heat than light, especially when the focus is on Islam. This book, with its careful analysis and respect for facts, helps dispel the smoke. It is an invaluable contribution to the public debate, especially in the British context, and will assist people of good will – of all faiths and none – to clarify their own thoughts about ‘the secular state’. Dr. Brian Klug Senior Research Fellow & Tutor in Philosophy, St. Benet’s Hall, Oxford –Commissioned

Choosing Faith (P/B)


Choosing Faith In a world of spiritual options, people constantly tell us what to believe. Yet, while we hear these pleas, we’re already functioning with existing beliefs–even if they are beliefs by default. So how do we choose what to believe–especially in the area of faith? Do we need to choose.

Christianity & Islam


The Bible is the basis for the teachings of Christianity, and the Quran.

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Debunking the canons of Atheism with Decisive proofs


This is a very valuable book; matchless in its genre, elegance, clarity, and perfectly timed with the current time. There is a dire need for this topic because the wave of atheism and materialism is so strong it has swept many people away. Of notable examples are some deceived preachers and leaders, politicians of the colonizers, people with poor insight, and hypocritical speakers. Atheism is unfortunately popular, which is extremely unsettling. The religion of Islām has become as alien as it once began, and true commitment to it has become like holding to an ember.

Dialogue with an Atheist


Problems such as the proof of the existence of God, why God created evil, Paradise and Hell, and could the Prophet Muhammad be the author of the Qur’an are tackled both clearly and logically.

Did God Become Man? (P/B)


Table of Contens:

  • Foreword
  • Belief in God
  • Man is Gods
  • God Becomes His Creatures
  • God Becomes One Man
  • Men Becom God
  • Why?
  • Did God Become Man?
  • Can Man Become God?
  • Did God Have a Son?
  • Bibliography

Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes


“If I’d read this book as a young man, I would have been challenged to re-examine my views much earlier.”

– J. Warner Wallace

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Forcing God’s Hand (P/B)


n her startling book, Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and the Destruction of Planet Earth, Grace Halsell explores the danger of a new religious doctrine sweeping America. Adherents to this doctrine are said to constitute the fastest growing movement in Christianity today. The cult members look like your average next- door neighbors. They are middle to upper-class Americans. Its leaders proclaim that God wants—even demands—that Planet Earth be destroyed in our generation.

Fundamentalist Evangelicals believe there will be catastrophic events on earth, some occurring already, including the turmoil in the Middle East, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon in which Christ will triumph and begin ruling the earth. At this point, they believe, non-believers will be destroyed, good Christians saved and any remaining Jews converted to Christianity. By praying for their Rapture and the End of Time, might they Force the Hand of God–to bring it about?

“What’s the number-one item on the agenda of the Christian right? Abortion? School prayer? No and no. Believe it or not, what’s most important to a lot of conservative Christians is the Jewish state, Israel; its size, its strength, its survival. Why so?” CBS 60 Minutes (read inside)

“God save us from these people,” Yossi Alpher, Israeli political analyst, to CBS 60 Minutes.

“A great expose’ of the strange marriage of convenience between the U.S. Christian Right and Israel. Neither likes the other- but they use one another. It’s not about religion, but about politics. I highly recommend this book for exposing the hypocrisy.” Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, Author-Historian

“Halsell exposes Falwell’s Christian tours as having only one purpose: to raise money for Falwell and Israel, under the guise of preparing the pilgrims for the approaching Armageddon. An excellent book.” Gore Vidal, Author

God’s Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question–Why We Suffer


In times of questioning and despair, people often quote the Bible to provide answers. Surprisingly, though, the Bible does not have one answer but many “answers” that often contradict one another. Consider these competing explanations for suffering put forth by various biblical writers:

The prophets: suffering is a punishment for sin
The book of Job, which offers two different answers: suffering is a test, and you will be rewarded later for passing it; and suffering is beyond comprehension, since we are just human beings and God, after all, is God

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