Companions of the Prophets

Companions of the Prophets

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Child Companions around the Prophet pbuh (H/B)


Description from the publisher:
These 178 companions are those who accepted Islam in their childhood and spent it being around Prophet صلی الله علیه وآله وسلّم and getting benefits from his teachings and learning from his manners. The Prophet used to love the children and his behaviour with them is model to follow. He taught them the manners of eating, talking to theirs elders, behaving with other children, along with guiding them to the basic points of Islamic teachings.

It includes the biography of the following companions:

Hasan bin ‘Ali رضی الله عنه

Husain bin ‘Ali رضی الله عنه

Abdullah bin Zoubir رضی الله عنه

Abdullah bin ‘Abbas رضی الله عنه

Abdullah bin Ja’far رضی الله عنه

Abdullah bin ‘Umar رضی الله عنه

Abdullah bin ‘Amr رضی الله عنه

Usamah bin Zaid رضی الله عنه

Anas bin Malik رضی الله عنه

Sa’eed bin Al-‘Aasرضی الله عنه

Commanders of the Muslim Army (H/B)


This book is about the lives of those Noble Companions and Commanders who led the Islamic forces in the violent and strife-torn arenas of conflict against the kuffar. They struck terror in the hearts of the enemy, and the strong forts and palaces of Caesar and Chosroes trembled before their might. In this compilation there are not only stories of the battlefields but also the stories of bravery and courage, valour and piety, austerity and simplicity.

Companions Around The Prophet (H/B)


When I began writing the books “Golden Titles”, I felt that the contemporary Muslim Desperately needs serenity of the heart and the only way one can achieve this is through emulation of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions. Following their foosteps will open the gates of success, prosperity and reverence as it did to those companions who came from a modest social background.

My objective in writing, such books on the Prophet’s companions his revered wives, compilers of hadiths and great martyrs is to provide the leader and insight into their way of living to enlighten his or her heart and allow a reform to enter their lives. These companions were blessed with the Prophet’s association and occupy the highest ranks amongst human beings – after the Prophets – as a result of their righteousness.

This book is targeted for the young generation studying in schoolas, colleges and universities. I earnestly desire that the readers benefit from this book by idealizing these heroes of Islam.

Golden Stories of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq


Golden Stories of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA) This book provides detailed and insightful glimpses into the extraordinary life of the first Caliph of the Muslims, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA) and his massive contribution to all of humanity; As a principled and disciplined young person in Makkah A successful businessman Embracing Islam under the tutelage of the prophet (SAW) and laying the groundwork for Islam’s spread across the globe. In a world currently needing moral and ethical leadership based on the divine revelations of Allah, the life of Abu Bakr offers a blueprint to a successful life to those Muslims and non Muslims who are searching for the truth. He was a truly a man for all ages, encompassing all aspects of complete individual, as an intellectual, Companion of the Prophet and Caliph.

Golden Stories of Muslim Women (H/B)


All aspects of woman’s personality that reflect her intelligence, courage, piety, abstinence and chivalry are mentioned in this book. Their study inculcates a new spirit and motivation for betterment among all women and girls. It would also help men fully understand how women also possess qualities like bravery, intelligence and patience.

Golden Stories of Sayyida Khadijah (H/B)


Sayyida Khadijah (Ra) the first wife of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), The Mother of the Believers. She was a shining example to all Muslim men and women. Even during the pre-Islamic times, she was known as Taahirah –  the pure and righteous one.

This book includes authentic accounts highlighting her intelligence, commitment to the deen, sincere belief in Allah swt, and her perseverance during the most difficult circumstances.  It transports the reader back in time to the very beginning of Islam, providing deep insights into her life and the lives of her children and grandchildren.

This book is a wonderful, well-researched edition to the body of biographical work encompassing the live of the Prophet (saw), his family, companions and followers.

Great Women Of Islam Who Were Given The Good News Of Paradise (H/B)


This book is about the life stories of the Mothers of the Believers and 16 other Sahabyat who had been given the good news of the paradise in this world by Prophet Muhammad (S). There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the believers and women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women. Besides the Mothers of the believers, the compiler of the book has included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (S). Although the original book is in the Urdu language but the efforts of the translator had made it more beneficial for the readers.

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Heroes of Islam (Darussalam)


This book presents the glimpses of the lives of some of the greatest heroes and role models of Islam. It covers the four righteous caliphs, 47 male and female companions of the Prophet, 8 followers of the companions, 6 religious scholars, 7 reformers, and 7 scientists.

Men & Women Around The Messenger – Darussalam


The author has chosen one hundred personalities amongst the Companions. He compiled narrations, hadiths and incidences that contributed to the distinction of these individuals who have no similitude in the history of mankind after the Prophets of Allah and His Messengers. Their excellence is further clearly established from the study of these individuals, their attributes and their characters with which they were embellished. For this reason, they were from the best of people ever raised up for mankind.

Men Around the Messenger (IBT)


This book is a translation based on Khalid Muhammad Khalid’s celebrated work in Arabic, Rijal Hawla al-Rasul. The sixty-four companions presented here are representative of that unique generation, a generation without parallel in history. They come from all walks of life and character. These are stories of real people which can be historically verified. These stories will touch the souls of the believers, for they will find in them yet another proof of that conviction that fills their hearts.

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