7 to 12 Years

7 to 12 Years

(Showing 25 – 36 products of 170 products)

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An Illustrated Journey of Al-Isra’ Wal Mi’raj (Family StoryBox)


    What’s in the box?

    1. 59 x 42 cm An Illustrated Journey of Al-Isra’ Wal Mi’raj’
    2. 59 x 42 cm Stick-A-Knowledge Seerah Activity Sheet & Stickers
    3. 59 x 42 cm An Illustrated Geography of Filastine

Ana Aqtadi bi Kitab Rabbil Alamin (Set) / أنـا أقـتـدي بـكـتـاب رب الـعـالـمـيـن

أنـا أقـتـدي بـكـتـاب رب الـعـالـمـيـن، عـمـل الـخـيـر صـدقـة، الأمـانـة مـسـؤولـيـة، إجـتـنـاب الـظـن والـغـيـبـة، الإخـاء والـمـحـبـة، الـخـيـر والـمـعـروف، الـمـحـافـظـة عـلـى الـوقـت، نـبـي الـرحـمـة، الـنـصـيـحـة، الـصـبـر عـنـد الـشـدائـد، تـعـارفـوا تـحـابـوا
لـ غـوكـدومـان، نـهـيـر آيـدن

Ana Ra’i (أنا رائع) (Arabic – I Am Awesome)


هَلْ أَنْتَ جَاهِزُ لِخَوْضِ مُغَامَرَةٍ مُمْتِعَةٍ ؟

هَيَّا لِنَكْتَشِفْ حَقَائِقَ مُمْتِعَةً

عَنْ أَفْضَل مَخْلُوقَاتِ اللهِ.

نَعَمْ إِنَّهُ أَنتَ.

حَقَائِقُ شَيْقَةٌ عَنْ جِسْمِكَ!

تَعَرَّفْ عَلَى نِعَمِ الله.

وَالْكَثِيرُ !

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Eliyas Explains Why Should I Pray My Salah: Bitesize + Journal


For anyone who wants to pray, but isn’t motivated enough and for those who pray, but want to enjoy their salah with presence of mind and heart.

Eliyas Explains: Angels


The first in a lively middle-grade series by prize-winning author, Zanib Mian. This children’s Islamic book is fantastic for those children reading for themselves.

Eliyas Explains: Miracles


The second in a lively middle-grade series by prize-winning author, Zanib Mian. This children’s Islamic book is fantastic for those children reading for themselves.


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