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(Showing 13 – 24 products of 39 products)


114 Tips to Help You Finally Memorize The Qur’an (P/B)

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“114 Tips to Help You Finally Memorize the Qur’an is a concise book that aims to equip readers of all backgrounds with the information and techniques necessary in order to begin, continue with, and complete the memorization of the Qur’an, eliminating thereby the common excuse and reasons for not memorizing.”

60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History

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This book provides a profound understanding on the role of women in Islam and tackles common misconceptions on the subject. Not only does it discuss the roles of women in marriage and among their families – but also their families – but also their roles as warriors, worshipers, scholars and callers to Islam. It gives its readers a guided explanation as each role is accompanied with stories of great women as told in the Quran and Sunnah.

This book narrates the stories of about sixty great women whose names and exemplary behavior are enshrined in the history of Islam.

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A Commentary on The Forty Hadiths of Imam Nawawi


A comprehensive work commenting on Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths

A Priceless Princess – Love Notes to a Daughter

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” A daughter is an everlasting treasure, a priceless gift.”


Captured Thoughts


A Collection of Thought-Provoking Gems, Persuasive Eye-Opening Wisdom, Insights about Religion, Ethics, and Relationships.

Fortress of the Muslim (Pocket Size)


A Pocket size version of the widespread and well-known book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.

An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.

New and improved edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore.

Hajj & Umrah (Pocket Guide) – English Version

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A useful pocket guide that includes the rites of Umrah,Hajj, and visiting Madinah.

Le Hadj Et La Omra (Hajj & Umrah Pocket Book) French


Un GUIDE DE POCHE utile des rites de la Outre, du Helf, st de la visite de Médine

Ceci est une nouvelle présentation du guide de poche utile qui inclut les rites de la Omra, du Hadj ainsi que des invocations sélectionnées. Ce livre contient également des diagrammes, des checklists et un guide pas à pas pour accomplir les rites du Hadj et de la Omrs, selon la Sounna de notre Prophète bien-aimé Muhammad (que la paix soit sur lui), conformément à sa parole:

“Apprenez de moi vos rites (du Hadi et de la Omra)” Imam Muslim

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Healing With the Medicine of the Prophet SAW (New Edition – Full Colour)

5 ★
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New full color revised edition of Medicine of the Prophet (S) with pictures & illustrations. Deluxe edition with beautiful printing in full color on glossy paper. Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet is the panacea for those in search of good health. It is a magnificent work that is a treasure every Muslim household. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundred and fifty years ago, it is extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many. The author presents the guidance of the Prophet in dealing with a variety of health issues, including treatment of ailment and preventive remedies to keep the body fit. As the Qur’an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health and fitness. This is the approach taken by Ibn Al-Qayyim as he presents Verses of the Qur’an and statements of the Prophet as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters of this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health. Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet is an invaluable reference guide for the Muslim of every land and every generation. May Allah bestow His mercy and blessings upon the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, for surely his work will be cherished throughout time.

Heart Therapy by Dr. Ali Albarghouthi


This book attempts to revive authentic Islamic spirituality based on the Quran and Sunnah by collecting and explaining forty hadiths on the diseases of the heart and the purification of the soul.

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​Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations


This second edition of the book marks another milestone of a collaborative effort between prominent scholars and practitioners of the Islamic finance industry. It sheds light on the front line issues faced by the Islamic finance industry with academic rigor. Each chapter in the book is complete with figures, diagrams, tables, case studies, a set of review questions and problems and a list of references for further reading. It offers invigorating discussion on a comprehensive range of topics related to Islamic finance, combining both theoretical foundations and operational aspects.

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