A Brief History of Palestine
The history of Palestine is as old as mankind. Although the ongoing crisis in the Holy Land promotes an image of violence, historically this region has hosted members of all faiths; living side by side in reasonable harmony. In this the 21st century, with unrest continuing to dominate the news from Palestine; it is timely to review the past in order to better understand the present and work towards a brighter, peaceful future. A brief history of Palestine has been prepared in a simple format to aide understand the Holy Land’s history and to grasp why this once pluralist land is now the capital of disharmony and discord.
Destination Jannah
Author: DCB Research & The Straight Path Convention 2015
Let us pause and ask ourselves this question—the same question asked by Allah swt in surah At-Takwir 81:26 —on the context of your life:
﴾ فَأَيۡنَ تَذۡهَبُونَ ﴿
“Where are you going?”
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I Am Awesome
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Relating Stories of the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad – DCB
This book unveils the captivating stories of the Prophets and Messengers meticulously chosen by Allah to illuminate the path of humanity. Grounded in the Qur’an, Hadith, and the teachings of revered scholars, this book presents a lucid and accessible narrative, encourages contemplation and introspection, and empowers readers to extract enduring wisdom from the life stories of the Prophets.
Messages from the Quran (DCB)