MANHAJ (Fundamental Principles of ASWJ as Distinguished from Other Sects of Islam)
Many people, Muslims, and even non-Muslims are confused about which sect of Muslims represents the true Islam that is accepted by Allah brought through His Prophet ﷺ.
This book lists down 15 criteria that made up the true basic principles i.e. the MANHAJ or scheme of the teachings of the Ahlu As-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah.
This MANHAJ is basic and comprehensive presented in a simplified and easy way to adopt.
Hence, any Islamic work should be prioritized around these basic principles to avoid unnecessary entanglements amongst Muslims on peripheral issues.
Indeed, obligatory reading for every contemporary Muslim of this era.
Oneness Of God The Ultimate Solution to the Trinitarian Controversy
The mysterious nature of the doctrine of the Trinity confuses even those who profess to believe in it. Many who have sought the truth discovered that this dogma was an invention contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). This book traces the historical background of the Trinitarian doctrine. The facts presented show how this fundamental doctrine of Christianity was inserted into what was originally a monotheistic faith, and imposed upon the followers of Jesus.
Tenets of Faith
This book covers the very basis of the religion of Islam, the belief in the oneness of Allah. This text is unique in that it covers many of the essential points of belief that every Muslim should be aware of. The author has also dealt with some of the obnoxious practices and superstitions that the ‘Muslims’ of today have fallen into such as fortune-telling, grave worship and good luck charms. The uniqueness of this work lies not only in its thorough treatment of the subject in a fluid and uncomplicated style but also in its modern presentation of classical theological issues.
The Concise Commentary on the Book of Tawhid
Tawḥīd, the oneness of Allah , is the most essential aspect of a believer’s life. The acceptance of all actions hinges on the Tawḥīd of the individual.
The Criterion (P/B)
The Criterion Between the Allies of the Most Merciful and the Allies of the Devil
The Foundation of The Deen (Pocketsize)
The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’, and is derived from the word meaning ‘peace’. In a religious context, Islam means complete submission to the will of Allah.
As such, Islam is not just a religion, but a “deen”, meaning “the way of life”. It addresses all aspects of a person’s life – from cradle to grave – with a complete guidance that touches upon both material as well as spiritual needs. The completeness of
Islam is emphasised in the following Qur’anic verse, meaning: “… This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessing on you and approved Islam as the way of life for you”. (Surah Al-Maidah, 5: 3)
The Principle of Love and Desire
The Principle of Love and Desire is one of Ibn Taymiyyah’s many important works on ‘aqidah. In it, he explains how love is the basis of every movement that occurs in the universe and every action of Bani Adam. He explains that love necessitates hate for the things that oppose what one loves, and that this love and hate is the foundation of Islam, tawḥid, and īman. He also discusses the many sects that strayed from Allah’s straight path due to their misunderstanding of this fundamental principle.
A Commentary on Kashf Al Shubuhaat: The Clearing of Doubts
This is a commentary on the book of Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab R.A’s Kashf Al Shubuhaat (The Clearing of Doubts). It deals with explaining and refuting the evidences that were used by certain Muslim groups of his time to justify acts of shirk.