Al-Fiqh (الفقه)

Al-Fiqh (الفقه)

(Showing 61 – 66 products of 66 products)

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[SJ] A Summary Of Islamic Jurisprudence (الملخص الفقهي)


‘A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence 1-2’ Dr. Saleh bin Fawzan al-Fawzan. This is an easy but important book which shows the shar’ia rulings and their evidences. It contains basic topics important to the Muslim, e.g. purification, prayer, zakah, fasting, pilgrimage, and shows other rulings e.g. trade transactions, partnership, sharecropping and renting, reclamation of wastelands and possession of allowable objects, inheritance, marriage, divorce…

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[SJ] Fiqh al-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq (4 Vols) / فقه السنة لسيد سابق


The famous book of Fiqh by Shaykh Sayyed Saabiq, clear and simple, accented with many daleel, in three volumes.

We advise you to read and accompanied by extensive notes and detailed corrections of Sheikh al-Albani with his book al-Tamaam Minnah, sold on the site.

Shaykh Al-Albani has praised this book : “Certainly, the book Fiqhus-Sunnah of Shaykh Sayid Saabiq is among the finest books written in his field, I met by chance by its excellent organization, clear writing style and lack of complex expressions found in many books of Fiqh … “(Tamam al-Minna, p.10)

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