Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present & Future (H/B)
In light of the past, with hope for the future,Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present, and Future addresses a subject that is vital to the 21st century. It provides an in-depth study of Islam and Christianity, taking an analytical approach to their respective edicts while comparing and contrasting them. It offers an investigation of religious concepts with respect to logic and scientific knowledge, and considers the true role and mission of religious figures of both faiths. With a past full of oppression from leaders of both faiths, against their respective doctrines and principles, Muslim-Christian Interactions sorts out the truth of what these religions really stand for. It looks at the manner in which Muslims and Christians have interacted in the past and present, in order to draw lessons for the future.
Now more than ever, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to seek a path of mutual understanding, allowing compassion for fellow human beings to prevail over divisive politics and views. In the wake of false propaganda against Islam, the author seeks to correct the misconceptions that abound regarding Islam and Muslims.
My Turkish Travels Sketchbook of a Sincere Seeker (IIPH)
Written by Luqman Nagy, My Turkish Travels comprises of the diary entries of a young Hungarian artist named László who traveled to Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1882. The time he spent in Turkey changed his life forever. In this book, the readers can admire László’s wonderful watercolour paintings and read the personal diary entries he writes at the end of each day.
Mysteries of The Soul Expounded (P/B)
The subject of this treatise – the nature, essence and circumstances of the human soul – is fascinating to people of all ages, faiths and walks of life. It covers in particular the issue of death and what happens after it. Due to the nature of this exciting topic, one who researches this subject is faced with an enormous amount of conflicting information. Therefore in order to arrive at sound dependable conclusions regarding the soul, one must carefully read and analyse the available material and evaluate it according to stringent criteria. This is of utmost importance since it bears directly on one’s belief.
Problems and Solutions (IIPH)
What should I do if I miss the fajr prayer? What are the consequences of excessive laughter? How should I deal with insinuating thoughts from Satan? How can I control my bad temper? What is so bad about staying up late night after night? Drawing on the great guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, Shaykh Muhammad Sâlih al-Munajjid answers these questions and more, giving informative explanations and practical solutions to help you improve in your worship and in your performance of everyday activities.
Qadha Dan Qadar ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 8
Qadha’ dan Qadar: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 8/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Selain merupakan salah satu rukun iman yang wajib diyakini oleh setiap muslim, Qadha’ dan Qadar merupakan hal yang sangat rumit yang sering mendatangkan polemik berkepanjangan sejak dulu hingga sekarang, dan banyak orang yang mempunyai pemahaman yang salah terhadapnya. Buku ini memberikan penjelasan dengan jelas dan gamblang tentangnya, dan diperkuat dengan dalil-dalil dari Al-Qur’an dan hadits-hadits nabawi, serta diperjelas lagi dengan perkataan para ulama salaf. Di dalam buku ini dibahas definisi Qadha’ dan Qadar, rukun iman kepadanya, batasan kemampuan akal manusia dalam memahaminya, aliran-aliran pemikiran tentangnya, dan pendapat ahlus sunnah dalam masalah ini.
Rasul dan Risalah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 4
Rasul Dan Risalah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 4/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Di era kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan sekarang ini, banyak orang yang mengandalkan ilmu dan kemampuannya bahkan sampai menuhankan akal fikirannya. Mereka merasa tidak perlu lagi kepada ajaran dan petunjuk para nabi dan rasul, bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahawa rasul pun perlu dikritisi. Benarkah demikian? Mungkinkah manusia sampai kepada kebenaran hakiki dengan kemampuan akalnya. Jawabnya tentu tidak, sepandai apapun akal manusia tetap terbatas, ia tidak bisa mencapai kebenaran hakik kecuali dengan tuntunan wahyu yang dibawa oleh para rasul, ia tidak bisa mengetahui kebaikan dan keburukan secara benar dan mendetail tanpa petunjuk para rasul. Oleh karena itu, orang yang hanya mengandalkan akalnya saja tanpa memperdulikan petunjuk yang dibawa oleh para rasul akan tersesat jalan. Buku ini mengupas tuntas tentang nabi dan rasul serta ajaran mereka dengan rinci dan mendetail, baik yang berkaitan dengan definisi nabi dan rasul, perbedaan antara keduanya, urgensi diutusnya mereka, jumlah mereka, sifat-sifat dan tugas-tugas mereka. Oleh karena itu, buku ini pantas dimilikioleh setiap muslim yang ingin mengenal para rasul dan mengetahui ajaran mereka, dan juga siapa saja yang ingin mencari kebenaran.
Rohingya Of The Arakan: Conflict, Crisis And Solutions
Saudari Muslimah Ku Peliharalah Dirimu
Scientific Signs In Prohibiting Flesh of Swine (P/B)
Scientific Signs In Prohibiting Flesh of Swine