Abraham – The Friend Of God
Abraham, as a prophet and patriarch, is called “the friend of God” in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, and has a place of eminence in the shared scriptures and histories of each of these three monotheistic, prophetic, and Middle Eastern religions.
In Abraham: The Friend of God, Dr. Dirks provides Jewish, Christian, and Muslim readers with a unique and original presentation of the life of Abraham. In constructing a chronological biography of Abraham, the author integrated and synthesized information from a wide range of Judaeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, including the Bible, the Pseudeigrapha (I.e. Jubilees and the Genesis Apocryphon), the Qur’an, the authenticated sayings (Sahih Ahadith) of Prophet Muhammad, and the classic books of ancient history authored by Josephus and Al-Tabari. This integrated biographical sketch is embedded in a framework drawn from the various historical and geographical contexts dealing with different aspects of Abraham’s life.
Animal Welfare in Islam
This pioneering modern classic examines the Islamic principles of kindness and compassion toward animals. It compares animal sacrifice as practiced by the world’s major religions and highlights the ethical issues that the mass production of meat raises, advocating alternative ways to produce halal meat in an appropriate manner.
Dutifulness To Parents
After dutifulness to Allah, dutifulness to our parents comes next for Muslims, but what does our duty to our parents entail? In this little book, Nidhâm Sakkijha gives examples and evidence from the Qur’an and the Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) to explain, point by point, what these duties are, and how the fulfillment of these duties may lead us to Paradise, while their neglect may mean that we end up in Hell. This concise and very useful volume has been translated into English by Iman Zakaria Abu Ghazi.
Forty Hadiths On Good Moral Values
The statements and actions of our Prophet Muhammad (s) contain much that we need: rules and advice, reminders, examples, warnings and encouragement. The collection of hadiths in Forty Hadiths on Good Moral
Values by Yahya Ondigo contains some of the Prophet?s statements on positive ethics and attributes that all people-Muslims and non-Muslims-should strive to adopt in the way we deal with others; we need to work to incorporate these morals and principles into our daily habits.
Islam the Perfect Religion (P/B)
Islam, the Perfect Religion is the translated text of a lecture by the eminent scholar Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shinqeeti delivered in the Prophet’s Mosque at Madinah. Those who heard the lecture were inspired by it, and asked the Shaykh to publish it for the benefit of many around the world. The Shaykh addresses the key foundations of Islam. He begins with the belief in the Oneness of Allah and goes on to discuss the divine gift of Islam to humanity, in the form of the guidance of the Qur’an and the wisdom of the Shari’ah. Islam’s solutions to broad social, political and economic issues are also touched on.
Kejahatan Lidah
Enlightening facts about how a merely harmful words spoken that could turn into harmful friction in our daily lives due to our ignorant whereby in Islam there are guidance on how to interact in a society.
Keutuhan Rumahtangga Bahagia (Jibaly Rumah Tangga Siri)
Melalui ketiga-tiga buku dalam siri ini, kami berusaha membincangkan perkahwinan menurut Sunnah yang sahih.
Learning Arabic Alphabet
Fun activities for kids to learn the Arabic alphabet!