AHMED DEEDAT – The Man and His Mission
The usual arena for religious discussion ssion is a place other than a stage. But this is where Ahmed Deedat found himself during apartheid’s heyday, publicly defending his beloved islam against what he perceived to be the unbounded … ignorance and slander dished out by Christian missionaries of the time.
Why Me? Understanding One’s Worldly Fate (H/B)
You will never understand why you’re here if you don’t know the One who brought you here! You will never understand why you were blessed with something, if you don’t know what it means to be a blessing yourself.
[ALA] Nashat An Nahu Watarikh Ashahr Alnuha – نشاة النحو وتاريخ اشهر النحاة
Fatimah: The Princess of Jannah (H/B Board Book)
This captivating book takes young readers through the life of Fatimah, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. It highlights her significance in Islamic history, portraying her as an example of virtue, patience, and purpose. Children will discover valuable lessons from her story and be inspired to apply them in their lives.
[AAA] Naql al-Adīb – نقل الأديب
نقل الأديب لعلامة العربية إسعاف النشاشيبي رحمه الله وأصل هذا الكتاب مقالات نشرها المؤلف في مجلة الرسالة من سنة 1937م إلى سنة 1948 م ، وهي سنة وفاة النشاشيبي…
100 Hadith Sunan Abu Dawud (Revised Edition 2025)
Learning the Pillars of Islam with Jibril (Revised)
This book is specially designed as a guide for young Muslims as well as new Muslims and non-Muslims who may desire to see Islam at a glance.
The most basic details of the Islamic faith and rituals need be presented in a simple yet thorough manner, enough for them to grasp the main purpose behind the faith, in its recommended forms, as taught by the Prophet PBUH himself.
Concise and to the point, this book will certainly take the reader by the hand and lead him/her with ease into appreciating the pillars of Islam.
How to understand 85% of the Quran
How to understand 85% of the Quran is a comprehensive handbook that can help any learner, whether as a self-study guide or in classroom settings to read and understand the Quran in Arabic in a record time. It stands as the first comprehensive coursebook that teaches Quranic Arabic through an interactive experience. This new method of learning, in Shaa Allah, yields very quick results with an enjoyable experience.
[ACB] Silsilat Bina’ Alshahsiah 1/5 / سلسلة بناء الشخصية
سلسلة بناء الشخصية : أول سلسلة عربية من نوعها
رحلة إبداع بدأت من احتياج
مجموعة تجيب عن السؤال الدائم :كيف نعزز شخصية أبنائنا ، ونجعلهم أكثر قوة وثقة بأنفسهم ؟
مادة تربوية موثوقة بطريقة ممتعة ، إعداد نخبة من خبراء التربية ، وبمساندة رسامين مبدعين
Tadabbur of the Righteous: Reflection on the Verses of the Noble Quran