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Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir (Volume VI )


Kitab At-Tabaqat Al-Kabir Volume VI: The Scholars of Kufa

The Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir by Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa’d is one of the most important and earliest surviving collections of biographical details of the early Muslims, spanning just over the first two centuries of Islam.
It is a rich storehouse of information compiled from all the sources available to Ibn Sa’d, as a result of which, the reader is given a vivid insight into the lives of the early Muslims and how extraordinary they were. The scope of Ibn Sa’d covers the time of the Rashidun khalifs, the Umayyads and the ‘Abbasids. This sixth volume of the Tabaqat (Volume VI) deals firstly with the scholars of Makka, Ta’if, Yemen, Yamama and Bahrayn and then the bulk of the book is devoted to the scholars of Kufa.

Muslim Teenagers Coping (P/B)


Being a teenager is not an easy business.You’re told you are “too young” to do half the things you want to do; your mother is always asking you to tidy your room: your father is always reminding you to pray; your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET … You are not sure if it’s everyone else that is going mad or you.

Luckily, Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in on hand. Having a wealth of experience as a teacher and an ‘agony aunt’, she understands the minefields that are the teenage years. This book is a light-hearted, humorous, but above all, sympathetic pointer to coping with teenage life as a Muslim.

Salah Ad-Din and The Crusades


You’ll find the answers to all these questions as well as lots of fascinating facts in this story of kings and peasants, conquests and losses, compassionate leaders and dishonest scoundrels…

Illustrated in colours and recommended for ages 9 and over.

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Secrets to a Successful Marriage (P/B) – TA-HA

4 ★
4 ★
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1 ★

Marriage, at its best, is a source of peace, strength and security to the couple. It is from this foundation of love and mercy that children are brought into this world. The family unit provides a cushion to each other from the harshness of the outside world. It covers each others’ faults, it protects, it cherishes and loves, gives confidence and self-esteem. Unfortunately, this ideal doesn’t come ready-made. It has to be achieved through hard work by both partners in a marriage, starting from before the couple even get married.

This book is an invaluable guide written by a qualified and experienced Islamic relationship counsellor. Divided into four main parts, it offers:

  • Pre-marriage advice including what factors to consider when searching for a spouse and advice on how to make a smooth transition from single to married life.
  • Practical, everyday tips on keeping the love alive.
  • Guidance on how to get through those minor rough patches with greater understanding and how to communicate effectively with each other.
  • A look at a range of issues that can give rise to conflict, how to recognize the signs of conflict and conflict resolution

The Life Of Muhammad (P/B) – TaHa Publisher


36 Chapters Covering all aspects of the Prophets (S)  life, from when he was a boy, events before the First Revelation, life in Makkah , held to high esteem s, and then the persecution and trials inflicted by the them,  right through the details of the the migration to Madinah, the battles, the return to Makkah and its opening back to Islam through to the death of the Prophet (S).

Appendix I on the Family Tree of the Prophet

Appendix II-  An Overview of events in the Life of the Prophet

This superb book is indeed a rich storehouse of knowledge, a lighthouse of guidance and an inspiration for mankind.

-Well organised with clear defined chapters.

-Steady Qur’anic Revelations in English throughout the books as and when they were revealed, and the  particular situation and context of revelation

The forerunners those who came first among the Migrators and the Helpers and those who followed them with the best. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him and Allah has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow therein forever and that is the great success. {TMQ At-Taubah 9: 100}

The Muslim Parent’s Guide To The Early Years (0-5 Years) (Ta-Ha)


The Muslim Paren’t Guide to the Early Years is an invaluable aid for parents to help bring up their pre-school age children in an Islamic setting. It offers advice from the Qur’an and Sunnah to the busy parent about a variety of issues from how to create a child-friendly, Islamic home environment right through to how to deal with a disruptive child. It is packed full of ideas and activities that will keep children from the ages of 0 to 5 stimulated in all areas of their physical, mental, emotional and religious development, with sample daily activity plan, themes and observation chart.

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The Muslim Woman’s Handbook- TA-HA


This is a practical manual dealing with all aspects of a woman’s daily life. The author deals with such delicate subjects as personal hygiene, menstruation, hijab, marriage, divorce as well as the woman’s role in the family and in the community. This book is of immense value to Muslim Women and teenage girls, especially those are discovering or re-discovering the relevance of Islam in their lives.

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