A Commentary On Al-Waraqat
This is a commentary on the book of Imamul Haramin Abul Ma’ali AlJuwaini’s Al-Waraqat. It is a text on the subject of Usul al-fiqh.
A Commentary On Kitab At-Tawheed
This is a commentary on the book of Shaikh Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Kitab At-Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed). Kitab At-Tawheed is an excellent and comprehensive book. It illuminates to the reader the light of tawheed the Oneness of Allah tawheed, the very foundation of this deen, the single most important concept and the purpose behind our creation.
A Commentary On Lumatul I’tiqaad (The Illuminating Creed)
This is a commentary of the classic treatise Lumatul I’tiqaad (The Illuminating Creed) of the great Imam, Abu Muhammad Muwaffaq-ud-Deen Ibn Qudamah AI Maqdisi, may Allah have mercy on him.
In this book, Ibn Qudamah presents the Creed of the Salaf as is the custom of the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah in every century — to preserve the authentic Creed by way of writing it down in books and spreading it. So this Creed became well known amongst the scholars and studied in the gatherings of knowledge. In fact the treatise continues to be studied and reviewed by students of knowledge throughout the world.
A Commentary on The Ten Nullifiers of Islam
This is a commentary on the book of Shaikh Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Nawaqid Al Islam (The Ten Nullifiers of Islam). It deals with the ten acts that could nullify one’s Islam.
A Commentary on Kashf Al Shubuhaat: The Clearing of Doubts
This is a commentary on the book of Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab R.A’s Kashf Al Shubuhaat (The Clearing of Doubts). It deals with explaining and refuting the evidences that were used by certain Muslim groups of his time to justify acts of shirk.
Master Tawheed in 24 Hours
The first question we will be asked in our grave will be about our Lord. This in itself is sufficient to show you the importance of this book. The book that you are holding is nothing more than a summary of the principles of what is truly meant when we declare the oneness of God! If you master these principles, you will be protected from many doubts that may arise due to either cultural interference or ignorance. It is a manual explaining how to protect your most valuable gift The Faith.
Akhsaru Tafaseer: The Most Concise Explanation of the Quran in English (1 Volume)
Big Size Quran for Studying or Making Notes!