Kitab as-Sunnah Publishing

Kitab as-Sunnah Publishing

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 15 products)


Birth Prevention an Islamic Perspective


The purpose of this series, enter in to islam completely, is to present some unduly belittled issues, prove their value, and discuss their regulations. This book presents a comprehensive Islamic understanding of birth prevention and other related issues. It first establishes the Islamic view of procreations. This is followed by an overview of birth prevention methods, old and modern

Festivals & Celebrations In Islam

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Festivals and celebrations are occasions of joy and happiness. They have their distinctive spirit in all societies and cultures, and are eagerly awaited and heartily welcomed by everyone.

The feeling of excitement associated with these occasions, however, causes people to introduce uncommon, strange or even bizarre practices during them.

Islam regulates the occasions to be celebrated and the methods of celebrating them. It maintains their atmosphere of happiness, while redirecting

This book discusses the two annual Islaamic festivals: Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adhaa as well as the weekly Jumu’ah. It presents the Islaamic guidelines for celebration according to the Quraan and Sunnah, and warns against innovated occasions and un-Islaamic festivals.

In addition to topics that are standard to ‘Id celebration, such as the ‘Id prayer and khutbah, and ‘Id pastimes, this book discusses zakat-ul-fitr, the sacrifice, the blessed days of the month of Thul-Hijjah, and numerous other ‘Id-related issues.

The broad and thorough discussions in this book make it an important manual and complete reference on festivals and celebrations in Islam. Indeed, from Allah (swt) we seek help and acceptance.

Funerals Regulations and Exhortations (H/B)


Our soul inevitably follows a route starting from birth, passing through death, and ending with our resurrection in the next life. The inevitable journey discusses over a sequence of titles: sickness, inheritance, funerals, Life in Barzakh and so on…

Ibrahim A Nation in One Man (P/B)


Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was known to be the friend of Allah. There was a reason why this was true. His Love for the Lord was unparalleled and so were his trials.However, through his life history one can learn a lot about life as well as the attributes of being a great human being. Includes the Life and times of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), explained in detail by the author. Every story of the prophet is linked to a moralistic and educational value. All stories provided in the book are authentic; they are taken from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah. Each story is supported by further research and commentaries from Muslim Scholars. The language level is easy to understand and it targets the students of Elementary school. Although everyone else is free to read it. The prophets were all Allah’s messengers, and they were the perfect example of what had to be offered in order to maximize the message of Allah. So why not learn from them, and make our world a better place?

Inheritance Regulations & Exhortations


Description from the publisher: We inevitably go through the journey starting in this life, and extending into the grave, before our final abode in the hereafter. In the process, we pass through stages of sickness, death, and the intermediate life in the grave (al-Barzakh). Writing a will is a religious obligation on every capable Muslim. It protects against many problems and conflicts that could arise after a person’s death. This obligation is more emphasized in the West; Failing to write a well founded will may result in the distribution of one’s estate in discord with the Islamic law, and may lead to losses for some of the rightful inheritors

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Knowing Allaah’s Prophets and Messengers (P/B) (Eeman Made Easy Series)


This is a simplified series of books dealing with the fundamental Islaamic beliefs. The material is well-founded on authentic proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The books are written in easy language, making them accessible to individuals with limited vocabulary.

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Knowing The Last Day (P/B) (Eeman Made Easy Series)

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This is a simplified series of books dealing with the fundamental Islaamic beliefs. The material is well-founded on authentic proofs from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. The books are written in easy language, making them accessible to individuals with limited vocabulary.

Each book is structured into chapters, sections, and subsection to organize learning and facilitate grasping the concepts by elementary-level readers. Furthermore, each chapter includes exercises to review and emphasize these concepts. All of this makes the Eemaan Made Easy series a valuable source of reliable study material for schools and individuals.

Our Precious Sprouts (H/B)


This sequel deals with the normal fruit of marriage: babies. It covers the Islamic regulations relating to a newborn. This includes welcoming the baby, naming it, shaving its hair, circumcising it, and slaughtering the sacrificial ‘aqiqah.

Smoking Intoxicants & Narcotics (P/B)


This book deals with the epidemic of smoking, which enslaves many of today’s Muslims, and which is aggravated by that most victims belittle its dangers and deny its prohibition.

This book includes a discussions of intoxicants, establishing the prohibition of various practices associated with them, as well as penalties (in both lives) for those who partake in them.

This book also includes a discussion of narcotics, with an overview of marijuana and qaat (or khat). Based on their established effects and harms, we conclude that narcotics are strongly prohibited, except in very limited medical settings.

This book, we hope, will provide many Muslims with guidance toward a healthier, cleaner and worthies Islamic personality. My Allah grant us guidance and facilitation.

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