(Showing 73 – 84 products of 138 products)


My Turkish Travels Sketchbook of a Sincere Seeker (IIPH)


Written by Luqman Nagy, My Turkish Travels comprises of the diary entries of a young Hungarian artist named László who traveled to Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1882. The time he spent in Turkey changed his life forever. In this book, the readers can admire László’s wonderful watercolour paintings and read the personal diary entries he writes at the end of each day.

Nurturing Eeman In Children (H/B)


A plethora of parenting books on the market these days covers every aspect of dealing with your children. From the terrible twos to the troublesome teens, you will have no problem finding multitudes of books claiming to point you in the right direction when it comes to raising a child. Whether you’re aiming to raise a baby Einstein, or just looking for some hints on how to handle an unruly tyke or teen, you will no doubt find plenty of advice. Nurturing Eemân in Children, however, addresses an aspect of child-rearing that is vitally important and is not touched upon in the mainstream selections that we are so familiar with. In her book, Dr. Aisha (Hamdan) Utz clearly and in no uncertain terms explains the importance of instilling in our children a strong connection to their Creator and a love for the religion that He has chosen for us and for them. From this book, you will learn the what, the why, and the how of raising a righteous Muslim child.

Polygamy in Islam (P/B)


Polygamy is the Muslim practice most frequently and severely maligned by Westerners and modernist Muslims. This book can be read with profit by all unprejudiced readers who wish to know its justification and rationale.

One of the greatest contrasts between Islam and the West is their conflicting concepts of relations between the sexes. Indeed, the very first question a Muslim convert is confronted with by an American or European is ‘Why does Islam allow four wives?’ This book…replies straightforwardly to that question and much more.

The authors describe all the most important characteristics of marriage in Islam, pointing out that the Western notions of sex equality and romantic premarital ‘love’ are not necessary in Islamic marriage based on piety and the commitment on the part of both parents to win the pleasure of Almighty Allah.’

This book contains basic guides for anyone interested in understanding the rights and obligations of males and females in Islamic plural marriage. The guidelines have been drawn from the Quran, Hadith and opinions of Islamic scholars.

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Problems and Solutions (IIPH)


What should I do if I miss the fajr prayer? What are the consequences of excessive laughter? How should I deal with insinuating thoughts from Satan? How can I control my bad temper? What is so bad about staying up late night after night? Drawing on the great guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, Shaykh Muhammad Sâlih al-Munajjid answers these questions and more, giving informative explanations and practical solutions to help you improve in your worship and in your performance of everyday activities.

Psychology From The Islamic Perspective


Islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next. In Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz Hamdan includes specific references to scientific research that corresponds to, or builds upon, what is already known from revelation.

Qadha Dan Qadar ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 8


Qadha’ dan Qadar: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 8/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Selain merupakan salah satu rukun iman yang wajib diyakini oleh setiap muslim, Qadha’ dan Qadar merupakan hal yang sangat rumit yang sering mendatangkan polemik berkepanjangan sejak dulu hingga sekarang, dan banyak orang yang mempunyai pemahaman yang salah terhadapnya. Buku ini memberikan penjelasan dengan jelas dan gamblang tentangnya, dan diperkuat dengan dalil-dalil dari Al-Qur’an dan hadits-hadits nabawi, serta diperjelas lagi dengan perkataan para ulama salaf. Di dalam buku ini dibahas definisi Qadha’ dan Qadar, rukun iman kepadanya, batasan kemampuan akal manusia dalam memahaminya, aliran-aliran pemikiran tentangnya, dan pendapat ahlus sunnah dalam masalah ini.

Rasul dan Risalah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 4


Rasul Dan Risalah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 4/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Di era kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan sekarang ini, banyak orang yang mengandalkan ilmu dan kemampuannya bahkan sampai menuhankan akal fikirannya. Mereka merasa tidak perlu lagi kepada ajaran dan petunjuk para nabi dan rasul, bahkan ada yang mengatakan bahawa rasul pun perlu dikritisi. Benarkah demikian? Mungkinkah manusia sampai kepada kebenaran hakiki dengan kemampuan akalnya. Jawabnya tentu tidak, sepandai apapun akal manusia tetap terbatas, ia tidak bisa mencapai kebenaran hakik kecuali dengan tuntunan wahyu yang dibawa oleh para rasul, ia tidak bisa mengetahui kebaikan dan keburukan secara benar dan mendetail tanpa petunjuk para rasul. Oleh karena itu, orang yang hanya mengandalkan akalnya saja tanpa memperdulikan petunjuk yang dibawa oleh para rasul akan tersesat jalan. Buku ini mengupas tuntas tentang nabi dan rasul serta ajaran mereka dengan rinci dan mendetail, baik yang berkaitan dengan definisi nabi dan rasul, perbedaan antara keduanya, urgensi diutusnya mereka, jumlah mereka, sifat-sifat dan tugas-tugas mereka. Oleh karena itu, buku ini pantas dimilikioleh setiap muslim yang ingin mengenal para rasul dan mengetahui ajaran mereka, dan juga siapa saja yang ingin mencari kebenaran.

Real Life Lessons from The Holy Quran


This book is divided into 5 chapters, and each chapter consists of several related life lessons derived from the Noble Qur’an. These lessons are meant to be as concise as possible, and at the same time as inspiring and helpful to the reader as possible. At a time when Muslims think twice before looking into the Qur’an for answers to their problems, I hope that this book of relevant life lessons from the Qur’an (that I was in immense need of during my teen years) will allow the Muslims of the 21st century to recognize the greatness of this miracle from God, and prevent them from making the same mistakes that I made during my life. I pray that Allah accepts this work from me and forgives me for any mistakes that may be present in this book, and I also pray that this book helps Muslims to come out of their ‘days of ignorance’.

Salah Ad-Deen Al Ayubi – 3 Volumes (H/B)


The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sallabi has written a fascinating biography of a man who looms larger than life throughout history, yet who remains largely unknown to people outside the Arab world. Dr. Sallabi’s meticulous research has effectively filled that gap in our knowledge. His work is more than just biography, as the reader will see.

Volume One of Salah ad-Deer al-Ayubi sets the stage for the advent of the Ayubids as Dr. Sallabi describes vividly (and with his characteristic candour) the geopolitical scene upon which the first Crusades were acted out and their effects on the Muslim world in the twelfth century CE. The author discusses the events and introduces the many interesting personalities that played important parts in this real-life drama.

Volume Two of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the establishment of the Ayubid state, mentioning the origins of Salah ad-Deen’s family, his birth and childhood; Dr. Sallabi describes the character and ethics of Salah ad-Deen: how he put an end to the Fatimid opposition and reorganised administrative affairs in Egypt; his efforts to revive the Sunnah in Egypt; his jihad against the Crusaders; his use of his literary skills in the service of Islam; and his keenness to unite the Muslim world. Theauthor discusses the events and introduces the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this crucial period in world history.

Volume Three of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the influencing factors and the ramifications of three crucial events in which Salah ad-Deen played the leading role. Dr. Sallabi also describes the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this turbulent period in world history. In the words of Dr. Sallabi, “The beauty of Islam became apparent to westerners from the conduct of Salk ad-Deen in peace and in war, his respect for freedom of opinion and belief, and his adherence to lofty, humane values and the sublime teachings of Islam.”

This three-volume work has been made more useful to the reader in this English edition through the addition of a map, a timeline, a list of the dynasties of the period, and a comprehensive Glossary.

Pages: Vol 1: 467, Vol 2: 360, Vol 3: 304

Stories Of The Prophets (IIPH)

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In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from ‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur’anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur’an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book.

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