Hadith Course
Hadith Course is essential reading for all English speaking students of Hadith, presenting fifty hadiths in Arabic and English in an easy-to-understand manner. Vocabulary and an explanation of each hadith are given, along with the lessons learned from it. All of the hadiths have been carefully chosen for authenticity and cover a wide range of topics, including belief, jurisprudence, social matters, business and much more. This book is an invaluable handbook for schools and self-learners.
Healing Body and Soul : Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings
Like other guides to good health, Healing Body & Soul advocates abandoning an unhealthy diet and altering a sedentary lifestyle, but this book goes beyond the mere physical aspects of health. Amira Ayad is a practitioner and researcher with a Master’s in Pharmaceutics and pursuing her Doctorate in Natural Health. She writes: During the course of this work, I try to explain how you can combine the rich tradition of Islamic teaching with beneficial contemporary scientific knowledge in order to lead a holistically healthy and happy life. The book is divided into five chapters, each concerning one of the five components that make up your body, mind and soul, clarifying in each chapter how to look after that part of you and keep it healthy. During the course of the book you will notice how these bodies are interconnected; the health of one is highly dependent on the wellbeing of the others, so that a happy, healthy life entails a balance between all of them. Healing Body & Soul presents holistic Islamic health science in a simple yet comprehensive user-friendly guide to better health. Healing Body& Soul is an invaluable reference that encourages and empowers people to take control of their health and their lives.
How can I get Closer To Allah? IIPH
Whenever a Muslim woman has a question about her religion, she should seek the answer in the Qur’an (Allah’s revealed Word) and the Sunnah (the example in word and deed) of His Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). If the answer is not found in these two sources, she should look to trustworthy Muslim scholars for help. She is encouraged to read, study, and learn as much as she can about her religion, for the search for religious knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim individual. A Muslim woman who is learning about her religion finds out quickly that the menstrual period and the period of bleeding after childbirth (postpartum bleeding) are times for her to leave off certain acts of worship such as formal prayer and fasting. It is important for believing women to be aware of exactly which acts are forbidden and which ones are permitted to them in these situations. This revised edition of How Can I Get Closer to Allah? is intended to clear up the issue as much as possible (with Allah’s permission).
Ideal Muslim Society
From the translator, Nasiruddin al-Khattab: In a world plagued with wars, racism, political turmoil, economic downturns and social anguish, many people are looking for an alternative in which justice, freedom, decency and common sense will prevail. Such societies have existed in the past, in the golden eras of Islamic civilization, and we have the hope that, if Allah wills, such a society may appear again. In The Ideal Muslim Society, Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali al-Hashimi gives us a detailed picture of what this society would look like. Drawing on his extensive research of Islamic history and contrasting the ideal with the sorry state of affairs in human societies today, he explores the religious, political, economic, social and other facets of this ideal society, illustrating everything from the responsibilities of those in authority to the interactions between individuals on the humblest levels. For those who are longing to see a better world, this book offers practical ideas and hope.
Imam Bukhari – Imam Al-Muhadditheen (IIPH)
This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, introduces the reader to the life and times of Muhammad ibn Ismâ‘eel, the greatest of all Hadith scholars. In later life, he became known as Imam Bukhari. This Muslim spent his entire life in the service of his Lord and the Muslim community. His gift to the Ummah (nation) was the collection of hadiths in Saheeh al-Bukhâri, which Muslims cherish and read with confidence today. The story behind this remarkable achievement is certainly one worth telling and worth knowing.
Iman Kepada Allah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 1
Iman Kepada Allah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 1/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Iman kepada Allah merupakan salah satu pilar utama rukun iman dan juga menjadi pijakan bagi seluruh jenis ritual ibadah lainnya. Ketaatan dan ibadah apapun tak akan diterima oleh Allah bila tidak dilandasi aqidah ini.
Into The Qur’an Let It Enrich Your Soul and Your Life
Do you want to improve the quality of your relationship with the Qur’an? If yes, then this book is definitely for you! Beautifully written, straight from the author’s heart, Into the Qur’an offers comprehensive and inspiring reminders about commandments from the Qur’an and the Hadith, in a way that you can apply to everyday life. Sadaf Farooqi urges you to study the Qur’an and then implement its teachings, regardless of personal whims and desires or traditional customs and practices.
Islam is Your Birthright (IIPH)
Majed Al-Rassi’s popular booklet, compiled from the works of respected writers on the subject of comparative religion, has been revised and greatly expanded in this new edition. Islam is Your Birthright is a useful and comprehensive guide for Muslims who would like to know how to address non-Muslims on the subject of the relationship between Islam, Christianity and other religions. It is as well a helpful, easy-to-follow explanation of the basic precepts of Islam that interested non-Muslims can pick up and read, without having had any prior study of Islam. Wise men and women know that they are in existence for a purpose and a final destination, whether they know that destination or not. Also, wise people know that if they do not know where they are going, then they will never arrive. In this little book, light is focused on: Why human beings were created What is their final destination How to reach ‘safely’ to that destination
Islam The Straight Path
This updated version of Islam: The Straight Path includes a new Epilogue by John Esposito in which he addresses the impact 9/11 and its aftermath have had on both the Muslim and non-Muslim world, discussing Islam’s relationship to democracy and modernity and focusing more sharply on the origins and growth of extremism and terrorism in the name of Islam. This exceptionally successful survey text introduces the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its earliest origins up to its contemporary resurgence. Esposito, an internationally renowned expert on Islam, traces the development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics, discussing the formation of Islamic belief and practice and chronicling the struggle of Muslims to define and adhere to their Islamic way of life. Lucidly written and expansive in scope, Islam: The Straight Path provides keen insight into one of the world’s least understood religions and is ideally suited for use in courses on Islam, comparative religions, and Middle Eastern history and culture.
Islamic Beliefs
In this era of confusion, innovation, and division, it is essential for Muslims to monitor their beliefs and their approach to Islam, so that they may be certain that they are following the path of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and the early generation of pious Muslims (the salaf). Without careful attention, a Muslim may live his or her whole life following a deviant path filled with innovation, thinking that he or she is doing the right thing, only to find out – when it is too late – that this path only leads to hell. Islamic Beliefs: A Brief Introduction to the ‘Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamâ‘ah is written in a straightforward style, distilling the knowledge of the scholars and making it accessible to the ordinary Muslim. It touches on the main points of ‘aqeedah (fundamental Islamic beliefs or creed) and explains the main features of the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the early generation, with brief references to deviant groups in order to show the contrast between the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the paths of the deviant groups, between light and darkness, guidance and misguidance. The straightforward approach of this book will allow the reader to follow its arguments and develop a clear picture of the proper approach to and interpretation of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This is a book which should be on every Muslim’s bookshelf, so that they will have at their fingertips a concise and readily-accessible reference for the basic issues of their religion.
Kepribadian Seorang Muslim
Kepribadian Seorang Muslim: yang ditekankan oleh Al Qur’an maupun sunnah. Kalau kita membaca Al-Qur’an dan hadits-hadits nabi saw maka kita akan mendapatkan banyak sekali petunjuk dan ajaran yang mengajarkan agar seorang muslim menjadi orang yang paripurna, menjadi orang yang berguna bagi bangsa dan agamanya, namun tidak semua orang bisa memahami nash-nash Al-Qur’an dan hadits berkaitan dengan karkter dan sifat-sifat seorang muslim. Dalam buku ini penulis menyajikan kepada kita hasil telaah beliau yang luas dan mendalam tentang karakter seorang muslim sebagaimana yang dikehendaki olah Al-Qur’an dan hadits nabi. Beliau memaparkan bagaiman semestinya hubungan antara seorang muslim dengan tuhannya, dengan kedua orang tuanya, dengan saudara-saudaranya, dengan anak dan isterinya, dengan tetangga dan masyarakatnya, bangsa dan negaranya. This is the Indonesian translation of the book The Ideal Muslim: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim as Defined in the Qur’an and Sunnah. In all areas of life, we can learn through the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). There are many lessons to learn by his example. They lead us to believe that the good personality traits of a Muslim are ones that naturally propel us to be closer to Allah. In this book we examine proofs from the Qur’an and the Sunnah that give us an idea about those characteristics that will guide us in our hearts and actions to be better people in the eyes of our Creator. The author gives a clear overview of the practical aspects of the Islamic lifestyle, as exemplified by the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and his Companions. Moving from the innermost aspect of the individual’s spiritual life to his dealings with all those around him, one can see how the Muslim is expected to interact with all others in his life. This book is valuable for individual self-development, but will also serve as a rich source of material and ideas for study circles and discussion groups. The author supports each point with extensively evidential quotations from the Qur’an and Sunnah and gives us thereby an insight into the life of the first Muslim community in Madinah. At a time when alien influences are overwhelming Muslims throughout the world and the temptation to adopt un-Islamic ways is greater than ever, this book serves as a timely reminder to us to go back to our Islamic sources and to adhere to our distinct, divinely-ordained way of life.