The Jewels Of The Quran ( Al-Ghazali’s Theory) (IBT)
This work, a translation of Imam al-Ghazali’s ‘Kitab Jawahir al-Qur’an’, contains his views on several broad problems relating to the study of the Qur’an, in which various parts of the Qur’an are comprared to various types of valuables, such as jewels, pearls, rubies, red brimstones, corundums, etc. The book also carries translation of over 1500 verses which al-Ghazali calls the jewels and the pearls of the Qur’an. This classification is unprecendented in the history of Qur’anic studies, presented here in free-flowing modern English which makes the work scholarly and enjoyable.
The Lawful And The Prohibited In Islam (IBT)
“This famous work by Yusuf al-Qaradawi has enjoyed a huge readership I the Muslim world and has been translated into many languages. It dispels the ambiguities surrounding the Shariah to fulfil the essential needs of the Muslims in this age. It clarifies the halal (lawful) and why it is halal, and the haram (prohibited) and why it is haram, referring to the Qur’an and Sunnah. It answers questions which may face the Muslims today, and refutes the ambiguities and lies about Islam.”
Living Miracle: Thematic Analysis of the Quran (IBT)