Umar Farooq: The Second Caliph of Islam
This book is about the life and teachings of Umar Farooq (may Allah be pleased with Him), The Second Caliph of Islam.
Umm Aiman: A Woman from the people of Paradise
The colorful illustrations that accompany the stories will make this an enjoyable read for children as well as adults and will help them learn about and appreciate the life of Umm Aiman.
Uthman Ibn Affan: The Third Caliph of Islam
This book is about the life and teachings of Uthman Ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with Him), TheThird Caliph of Islam.
What is Jannah? (P/B)
This book is designed to help parents and teachers in their efforts to encourage young children to ask questions and to assist them in exploring answers together. It makes the sharing of a basic knowledge of Islam simple, clear and enjoyable. This lays the foundation on which greater understanding can be built and learning enriched as young students grow older. And, whatever our age, reviewing the basic in this way can be very beneficial, in that it re-kindles our awareness and glad acceptance of the beautiful message and wondrous knowledge of Islam: we are then the better able share our renewed enthusiasm with others. May you benefit greatly from reading this book.
Who is Allah? (Goodword)
This book is designed to help parents and teachers in their efforts to encourage young children to ask questions and to assist them in exploring answers together. It makes the sharing of a basic knowledge of Islam simple, clear and enjoyable. This lays the foundation on which greater understanding can be built and learning enriched as young students grow older. And, whatever our age, reviewing the basic in this way can be very beneficial, in that it re-kindles our awareness and glad acceptance of the beautiful message and wondrous knowledge of Islam: we are then the better able share our renewed enthusiasm with others. May you benefit greatly from reading this book.
Wipe-Clean Arabic Alphabet P/B
Wipe and Clean Arabic Alphabet introduces children to Arabic alphabet in a very clear, fun and engaging manner. Wipe and clean book is a perfect way to build your child’s early Arabic alphabet recognition and writing skills. Your little one will love discovering Arabic letters and write and wipe them again and again until they feel confident to write them alone.
Zainab: Daughter of the Prophet
“Zainab (ra), the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad saw and Khadija (ra) was born about five years after their marriage…”