Dakwah Corner Bookstore (M) Sdn Bhd™ (DCB)
(Showing 73 – 84 products of 201 products)
(E-Book) Nikmatilah Kehidupanmu
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(E-Book) Pakaian yang Paling Indah
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(E-Book) Rekindle Your Life (Revised)
Rekindle Your Life centres upon encouragement towards good deeds and noble characters, abstinence from sins by giving reminders in a very beautiful way about Paradise and its delight, the reality of death, turning to Allah in repentance and enlightening faith through inspired, true and wonderful stories from various aspects of life past and present.
(E-Book) Secret Of Leadership
In this book, you will read about an enormous number of strong leadership situations, the work plans and the means to achieving the mastery of the machineries for influencing people, and of the ways of impacting changes. The book presents to you some illustrations from the inside of the human soul to get you acquainted with systems that can provide you with enormous strength and high aptitude toward effective leadership.
(E-Book) The Modernist Menace to Islam
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(E-Book) This Is Love
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(FREE-eBook) A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama’ah
(E-book FREE)
The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Author: Abdullah bin Abdul-Hamid Al-Athari Description: This book, ‘Al-Wajeez fi Aqeedati Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (A Concise Presentation of the Creed of Ahlul Sunnah wal-Jamaah), has been compiled in a simple and easily understandable manner-the complete and comprehensive guidance of the scholars regarding the matters of creed and methodology. It ignores the faulty and distorted views of the people of innovation, while presenting sound and convincing proofs which are quite sufficient to satisfy sincere seekers of the truth.
Esta pesquisa inovadora feita por um especialista muçulmano (da Bíblia Cristã) visa ajudar os muçulmanos e cristãos a compreender sua fé, respondendo a muitas perguntas teológicas, verdades amargas, novas e não reveladas relacionadas ao cristianismo, à divindade de Jesus e às Bíblias.
(E-Book) Family Interactions (Successful Family Upbringing Series-03)
“In this treatise, we wish to present certain concepts, tools and methods that will help the family to establish communication among its members; because next to Allah’s grace, it is communication that a family needs most to have mutual understanding, cohesion and success. And we would be unfair to ourselves if we find our families disintegrating before our very eyes, when there are several books and experiences that should have helped us to protect and make them choice families, happy and strong. I have tried to make this a good addition to what circulates around of literature on child upbringing available to parents. And because this work is addressed to a very wide audience, among whom are the educated and the semi-educated, I have striven to see that my expressions are as simple as possible; even though expressing ideas that have philosophical content in very simple language could do some kind of injustice to their meaning. This is why this attempt of ours is bound to still be imperfect; but sufficient it is that I have tried to aim clearly and closely as best I can.”
(FREE-eBook) FRENCH – Le Choix
Cette recherche révolutionnaire menée par un expert musulman (de la Bible chrétienne) vise à aider les musulmans et les chrétiens à comprendre leur foi en répondant à de nombreuses questions théologiques, des vérités amères, inédites et non révélées, liées au christianisme, à la divinité de Jésus et aux Bibles.
(FREE-eBook) GERMAN – Die Wahl
Diese bahnbrechende Forschung eines muslimischen Experten (der christlichen Bibel) soll Muslimen und
(FREE-eBook) ITALY – La Scelta
Questa ricerca innovativa di un esperto studioso musulmano (délia Bibbia cristiana) mira ad aiutare i musulmani e i cristiani a comprendere la loro fede rispondendo a moite domande teologiche, amare verità, non dette e non rivelate, relative al cristianesimo, alla divinità di Gesü e alie Bibbie.