

(Showing 85 – 96 products of 233 products)


Description of Paradise in the Glorious Qur’an


Writing about Paradise is of great importance in view of its significance in the belief of a Muslim. This belief makes him eligible for enjoyment of the bliss and the happiness of the Hereafter. It is not a belief that is limited to the life of this finite and ephemeral world only as compared to the everlasting hereafter. Rather, it is great creed that links the life of man in this world to that of hereafter so that his vision will not be restricted to this world alone but extends to the Hereafter.

Dictionary of Islamic Names – Darussalam


A book of Islamic names derived from Quran, Ahadith, Seerah and history with meanings and pronnunciations.


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Early Days : From Al – Bidayah wan – Nihayah (H/B)

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The book starts by describing the beginning of creation- from the throne and the Kursi, the universe and all that is in it , such as the angels, the jinn and humans . The book also recounts stories from the lives of the prophets and their nations up to the times of the children of Israeel and the Days of Igorance,which ended with the advent of the final Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ).

End of the World – Darussalam


In recent times things have become very confusing and we have begun to see in book stores and on websites speculations about future events, based on ayah and hadeeths which refer to these future events concerning the signs of the Hour.

Sometimes you hear about the appearance of the Mahdi, sometimes you hear that the final battle between the Good and the Evil is close at hand, other time you hear some thing happening in the East or in the West.

So, learn about the Final hour and it signs by reading this book which is backed by proofs from Quran and Hadith.

English Translation Of Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (6 Vols set)


One of the greatest compilations of the sunnah and books of hadith is the Musnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, which is organized into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the ten who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (S). The scholars and muhadditheen praised the Musnad of Imam Ahmad. Al-Hafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni wrote a book in which he highlighted the great features of the Musnad. In his book he said: “This book is an important source and trustworthy reference for the scholars of hadeeth, as he (Imam Ahmad) selected from the large number of hadith he came across and the plentiful reports he heard, and he put a great deal of effort into making it a prominent, leading and reliable source. When disputing an issue, it is a refuge and a source of help.

Enjoy Your Life (Full Color) – Darussalam


This is an exquisite collection of incidents from the life of the Prophet (S), stories from our Islamic Heritage, and thought-provoking anecdotes from the life of the author. The aim of the book is to train the reader to enjoy living his life by practicing various self-development and inter-personal skills. What is so compelling and inspiring about this book is that, in order to highlight the benefit of using social skills, the author draws from the lives of the Prophet (S) and his Companions. This book is both a practical systematic guide to self-improvement and a treasure trove of historical incidents. It increases self-awareness, whilst nurturing the soul and strengthening the spirit. The books author is a prominent figure in the field of Islamic Dawah and has authored more than twenty published works.

Essential Lessons for Every Muslim


This work is a translation of Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz’s book ‘Ad-Duroos Al-Muhimmah li-Ammatil-Ummah.’ It contains concise lessons that explain the fundamental teachings of Islam. This book covers a wide range of basic information such as the meaning of Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), the categories and implications of Shirk (polytheism), the regulations of prayer, and Islamic morals and manners. As the title implies, these are truly essential lessons for everyone who is concerned with the correctness of his Islamic beliefs and acts of worship.

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Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

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This book is written to highlight the necessity and the pressing need to pursue these two qualities and to illustrate that happiness in this world and the Hereafter is dependent on them. It is intended to be a comprehensive, extensive and useful book.

Explanation of Important Lessons (For Every Muslim) (H/B)

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This book is a short work to explain what every Muslim needs to know about the religion of Islam. It covers many lessons under 18 chapters.

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Explanation of Riyadus Saliheen (6 volumes)


Explanation of Riyadus Saliheen by Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen 6 Volume Set (Darussalam)
This new multi-volume Sharh Riyadus-Saliheen English translation contains the detailed explanation of every hadith by the Eminent Sheikh, Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen. Each hadith text is in Arabic, followed by the English translation and the commentary.
This explanation is easy to follow and contains many points of benefit. Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen is well known in the Arab world as a teacher for the everyday Muslim. He is an expert at taking something complex and detailed and teaching it to the people in an easy to digest manner.
Riyadus-Salihin is compiled by Imam Nawawi who was a great scholar of Hadith and Fiqh of his time. This book has acclaimed an important position in the Hadith Collections. It is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith.

Fast According to the Quran & Sunnah


Saum (Fast) is a third Pillar of Islam. Allah’s Messenger said, Allah says: “Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, except Saum (fasting). It is for Me and I shall reward for it.”

As the status of this act of worship is so high it is essential to learn the pilings pertaining to this month of fasting so that Muslims will know what is obligatory in order to do it, what is forbidden to avoid it, and what is permissible so that they do not unnecessarily subject themselves to any hardship by depriving themselves from it.

This book consists of all the main issues of Fast. The main objective of this work is to serve an easy and authentic reference to the reader.

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Fiqh According To The Quran & Sunnah (2 vol)


The complete set, ‘Al-Lubab Fee Fiqh As-Sunnah Wal-Kitab,’ contains all of the books of Islamic Fiqh and its chapters, accompanied by evidence and is presented in a clear and simple manner, in order that they may be understood by the young and the old, without blindly following any of the schools of Jurisprudence, but rather being subject to authentic proofs and following the most authoritative opinions, without fanatical adherence to any particular group. Rather the author agrees with each group when the truth is with them and contradicts them when they veer from that which is correct.

Fiqh is to achieve access to knowledge of that which is unclear through knowledge of that which is proven, so it is more specific than mere knowledge or learning. And fiqh is knowledge of the juristic law. It is said Faquha -A man has acquired understanding and so he has become a Faqeeh (A scholar of Islamic Jurisprudence); and it is said Faqiha – He has understood it, i.e he has attained understanding of it, and it is said Tafaqqaha – he has devoted himself to the acquisition of (Islamic) Knowledge and specialized in it. Fiqh has been a subject of contention among the scholars as well as layman throughout the history of Islam.

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