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My Enemies, I Thank You by Islam Today


My Enemies, I Thank you – About the book

Fostering enmity is the meanest of all human activities. It requires nothing more than stupidity, poor judgment, and a disregard for people’s feelings, leading to wrangling, cursing, and hatred.

“Repel (evil) with what is best. Then the person between whom and you there had been enmity will become as if he were a dear friend.” – [Surah Fussilat: 34]

The Ego and Its Siblings


From the very first moment, the reader embarks on a journey into the depths of their own self, attempting to strip away the “makeup” of pretense and the debris of neglect. This journey illuminates the gray area between the true self and its image, seeking ways to break free from the inflated “ego,” akin to “shock” therapy.

Umdatul-Ahkami min Kalami Khairil-Anam (Principle Islamic Rulings, Taken From The Hadith Of The Prophet SAW)


The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ص) is the practical implementation of the Noble Qur’an, it was taught to the Prophet along with the Scripture, side by side. Neither the Noble Qur’an nor the honourable Sunnah can be understood correctly without recourse to the other.

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[QQ] Mafhum Ummati filQuranil Karim wal hadithu Syarif (مفهوم الأمة في القرآن الكريم والحديث الشريف)


مفهوم الامة في القران الكريم والحديث الشريف للكاتب عبد الكبير حميدي

In the Company of the Imams by Islam Today


This book explores the lives of the four imams who were the founders of the canonical schools of Islamic Law. It explores the areas of convergence and disagreement between these great scholars to reveal the unity of their basic principles as well as the multiplicity of their opinion and judgments. In doing so, it demonstrates Islam’s inherent flexibility, which takes into account the different historical, social and geographical circumstances in which people find themselves. This allows the teachings of Islam to remain vital for every place and time.

The Mut’ah Marriage is Forbidden in Islam (H/B) Pocket Size


A rumor has recently been circulated, inviting people to practice Mut‘ah marriage. The Mut‘ah marriage is not a permanent marriage. In other words, the Mut‘ah contract states the duration of marriage and stipulates that marriage will be valid for a specific period of time.

As an established fact, the Mut‘ah marriage is forbidden according to Muslim scholars of all generations. Only a few scholars keenly believe in its lawfulness.

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