Yahya M. A. Ondigo

Yahya M. A. Ondigo

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Forty Hadiths On Good Moral Values


The statements and actions of our Prophet Muhammad (s) contain much that we need: rules and advice, reminders, examples, warnings and encouragement. The collection of hadiths in Forty Hadiths on Good Moral

Values by Yahya Ondigo contains some of the Prophet?s statements on positive ethics and attributes that all people-Muslims and non-Muslims-should strive to adopt in the way we deal with others; we need to work to incorporate these morals and principles into our daily habits.

Forty Hadiths On Leadership and Governance With Short Commentaries


Forty Hadiths on Leadership and Governance brings forth the stark realities of the leadership crisis in the present era in the light of authentic hadiths. This invaluable piece of work teaches the readers – in the light of authentic hadiths – what a true Muslim leader is like. It can also be every leader’s guidebook illumining the path through examples from the lives of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and teaching how Muslims can regain their past glory by holding on to the rope of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him).

Forty Hadiths On Poisonous Social Habits With Short Commentaries


In this unique collection of Forty Hadiths on Poisonous Social Habits, Yahya Ondigo emulates the tradition of Imam an-Nawawi and other great scholars. He has compiled hadiths (records of the guidance) of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and briefly commented on each.

This well-researched and thoroughly documented book offers both Muslim and non-Muslim readers a clear understanding of how the divinely-inspired words and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) apply to our contemporary societies. Such social ills as lying, greed, corruption, smoking, gambling and others have been discussed along with their social implications.

After elaborating each issue, the author has offered wise and insightful advice to get rid of that particular social habit. In this beautifully-worded piece, his deep faith in Islam shines through along with his love and concern for humanity.

This compilation is meant to awaken our realization of the causes and effects of these poisonous habits so that perhaps we may be reminded, take admonition, and try to change our situations. As is the rule, Allah will not change the condition of a people either from bad to good, or vice versa, until the people change what is in them selves.

Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present & Future (H/B)


In light of the past, with hope for the future,Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present, and Future addresses a subject that is vital to the 21st century. It provides an in-depth study of Islam and Christianity, taking an analytical approach to their respective edicts while comparing and contrasting them. It offers an investigation of religious concepts with respect to logic and scientific knowledge, and considers the true role and mission of religious figures of both faiths. With a past full of oppression from leaders of both faiths, against their respective doctrines and principles, Muslim-Christian Interactions sorts out the truth of what these religions really stand for. It looks at the manner in which Muslims and Christians have interacted in the past and present, in order to draw lessons for the future.

Now more than ever, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to seek a path of mutual understanding, allowing compassion for fellow human beings to prevail over divisive politics and views. In the wake of false propaganda against Islam, the author seeks to correct the misconceptions that abound regarding Islam and Muslims.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy – II Salah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Salah is one of the five pillars on which the edifice of Islam rests. Most of us feel that we already know all there is about salah – the formal prayers of a Muslim. However, very few individuals actually do justice to it or derive any worldly or spiritual benefits from it.

Salah & Its Essential Conditions is an effort to detail the essential prerequiires of salah. Moreever, it takes a detailed look at its importance along with the different types of obligatory and voluntary prayers. It alsa presents an illustrated guide to help those who wish to learn or correct the performance of their prayers.

Inshallah, all those who wish to improve their salah will find plenty of help in this book whether they are looking for information on cleanliness and purify, locating the direction of qibla, improving their congregation during salah, making up for the missed salah, or joining acongregation when the imam has already sarted the salah, or joining a congregation when the imam has already started the salah. All in all, it is a relevant handbook on what the Prophet (saw) has described as the coolness of his eyes.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy I- Shahadah (Testimony of Faith) & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


For a Muslim, the testimony of faith is the affirmation that there is no god other than Allah and that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His servant and messenger. This testimony is second nature to most Muslims; yet it is disappointing to note that many of them are not aware of the seven conditions attached to it.

The Pillars of Islam Made Easy III – Zakah & Its Essential Conditions (H/B)


Zakah & Its Essential Conditions covers the details of obligatory charity, including its importance, its effects, the dangers of not giving zakah, and all the conditions that must be met in discharging this obligation. Each prerequisite is thoroughly explained with evidence from the Qur’an, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, making it a comprehensive guidebook for all.

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