Saalih bin Fawzaan bin 'Abdillaah Aali Fawzaan

Arabic: صالح بن فوزان الفوزان; born 1933) is an Islamic scholar and has been a member of several high religious bodies in Saudi Arabia

Saalih bin Fawzaan bin 'Abdillaah Aali Fawzaan

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[AC] I’anatul Mustafid bi Sharh Kitab Al Tawhid 2 Vol / إعانة المستفيد بشرح كتاب التوحيد للإمام المجدد محمد بن عبد الوهاب


شرح كتاب التوحيد للشيخ الفوزان شرح معاصر بعبارة مُيسّرة لكتاب التوحيد للإمام المجدد محمد بن عبد الوهاب رحمه الله

[GB] Minhah al Rabbaniyah fi Sharh al Arbain al Nawawiyah / المنحة الربانية في شرح الأربعين النووية


الأربعون في مباني الإسلام وقواعد الأحكام المعروفة بـ الأربعون النووية هي مؤلف يحتوي على أربعين حديثاً نبويا شريفا، وعلل النووي سبب جمعه للأربعين فقال
من العلماء من جمع الأربعين في أصول الدين، وبعضهم في الفروع وبعضهم في الجهاد، وبعضهم في الزهد وبعضهم في الخطب، وكلها مقاصد صالحة، رضي الله عن قاصديها. وقد رأيت جمع أربعين أهم من هذا كله، وهي أربعون حديثاً مشتملةً على جميع ذلك، وكل حديث منها قاعدة عظيمة من قواعد الدين، وقد وصفه العلماء بأنه مدار الإسلام عليه، أو يصف الإسلام أو ثلثه أو نحو ذلك.

Reviving The Spirit of the Youth


Youth are the backbone to any nation; they are the leaders of tomorrow who fuel the future of a society. Thus, they shoulder an enormous responsibility in cultivating a constructive community, which requires characteristics that will equip them in fulfilling this duty.

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[SJ] A Summary Of Islamic Jurisprudence (الملخص الفقهي)


‘A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence 1-2’ Dr. Saleh bin Fawzan al-Fawzan. This is an easy but important book which shows the shar’ia rulings and their evidences. It contains basic topics important to the Muslim, e.g. purification, prayer, zakah, fasting, pilgrimage, and shows other rulings e.g. trade transactions, partnership, sharecropping and renting, reclamation of wastelands and possession of allowable objects, inheritance, marriage, divorce…

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A Commentary on the Creed of Imam al-Tahawi (Dar Al Arqam)

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A commentary by Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan on al-Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah, the most widely acclaimed and accepted work on the creed of Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. Before you is the English translation of Sharh al-‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyah by Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan. This is an explanation of the renowned treatise on the Islamic creed entitled al-‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyah (The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi). The author of this treatise is Imam Abu Ja‘far al-Tahawi (239-321 A.H.), one of the leading authorities on the Hanafī madhab. The period Imam al-Tahawi lived in was the zenith of the dissemination of the Islamic sciences and he was just one of the giants that this era produced. To illustrate this: his teachers included Imām Isma’il ibn Yahya al-Muzani (a major student of Imām al-Shāfiī), those he collected hadith from included Imām al-Nasai (author of ‘Sunan al-Nasai’, one of the ‘Sahih Sittah’) and his students included the great muhaddith Imām al-Tabarani. The purpose of his treatise was to state the creed of the early scholars of the Hanafī madhab and to indicate its correlation with the views of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamā‘ah in general. As Shaykh al-Fawzan states in his explanation: “This entails a refutation against those who associate themselves with the Hanafī school of fiqh in modern or recent times: They associate themselves with the Hanafī school but contradict Imam Abū Hanīfah in creed; rather they only follow his views in jurisprudence. They adopt the creed of those who profess kalām (theological dialectic) and the logicians.

A Summary Of Islamic Jurisprudence – 2 Volumes


This book is an introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence for readers without a substantial background in this field. In two volumes, Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan has projected light on jurisprudential issues of utmost importance in a genuine and reader-friendly style, free from any jargon or sophisticated expressions. A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, in this translated version, fulfills a long-standing need on the past of English-speaking Muslims for a brief, introductory book on Islamic jurisprudence. It is a valuable book for novice readers, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, who do not have thorough knowledge of the Islamic jurisprudence. The chapters of this book focus on major issues in Islamic jurisprudence. Volume one covers issues such as Purification, Prayer, Zakah, Fasting, Hajj and Jihad. And Volume two covers Transactions, Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce, Legal Punishments, Food, Judiciary and others.

Concise Commentary on The Book of Tawhid


Dr. Salih al Fawzan (born in 1935) has obtained a Ph.D. in Islamic jurisprudence and has a high profile in teaching jurisprudence. He is a member of many academic institutions including the Board of Senior Ulema, the Permanent Committee for Fatwa and Research. He has written more than sixty published works covering Muslim Creed, Islamic jurisprudence, and Muslim conduct.

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Sharh As-Sunnah : The Explanation of the Sunnah (2 Vol Set)


About The Book This is the highly beneficial two volume work in explanation of the famous works by Imam al-Barbahari (d.329h) by the esteemed & noble Shaykh, Dr Saalih al- Fawzan. Its importance can be seen by virtue of its being compiled in the early times; as it is one of the books of the earliest Salaf – those who lived in the same period with the great Imams, acquired knowledge from them and reported their pure Aqidah(creed) About The Author Imaam Al-Barbahaaree, rahimahullaah was a formidable and imposing Imaam of the 4th centuty Hijri who spoke out with the truth and called to the Sunnah and to the following of narrations. He also had renown and the respect of the ruler. In his gatherings, various circles for the study of hadeeth, the narrations and Fiqh were held. These were attended by many of the scholars of hadeeth and fiqh. The scholar, Abu ‘Abdillaah said: “If you see a person of Baghdaad loving Abul-Hasan Ibn Bashshaar and Abu Muhammad Al-Barbahaaree, then know that he is a person of the Sunnah.” The Imam Died in 329 Hijri

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