Shaykh al-Islam Muwaffaq al-Din Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi

Shaykh al-Islam Muwaffaq al-Din Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi

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Mukhtasar Minhaj Al Qasidin (Towards the hereafter) – Al Maqdisi


Islamic Jurisprudence According to the Four Sunni Schools is a translation of Volume I of Al-Fiqh ‘Ala al-Madhahib al-Arba’ah by the Azhari scholar Sheikh Abd al-Rahman al-Jaziri (1882-1941). Dealing with the forms of worship (Ibadat), this work offers an in-depth discussion of ritual purity (Taharah), ritual prayers (salat), including funeral prayers and the practice of visiting the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad,fasting (siyam), spiritual retreats (i’tikaf), charity (zakat), the pilgrimage to Mecca (both al-hajj and al umrah), and the offering of animal sacrifices

Purification of the Soul (Dar as Sunnah)


Allah, The Most High Says:

Those who purify their souls have succeeded and those who corrupt their souls have failed.” [Qur’an (91): 9-10]

Purifying the soul is the key to reforming the believer and succeeding in the daily battles against the diverse facets of the lower self, such as: pride, selfishness, arrogance, greed, lust, miserliness and other destructive tendencies.


Ranks of the Fearful (P/B)


Ranks of The Fearful by Shaykh Al Islam Muwaffaq Al Din Ibn Qudamah Al Maqdisi (Died 620 Hijri) Allah, the Most High, has praised those who possess the attribute of a heightened sense of fear Saying, “And such (are the believers) who are humbled by the fear of their Lord…” (Al Muminun, 57) And He also Said: “… fear Me alone, if you are believers.” (Ali’ Imran, 175) The element of fear exists within mankind in varying degrees. When the fear of Allah is established in the hearts, it eliminates wrongdoing and attachment to worldly desires. It is alight that navigates a person through sin and temptation, and when this fear is removed, it easily leads them astray – for surely true and praiseworthy fear is being vigilant from transgressing the limits of Allah. Yet when fear exceeds its proper boundary, it gives rise to hopelessness and despair, which is equally blameworthy. The attribute of fear therefore, is not the end goal itself, but a means towards a successful end. ‘Al-Khawf ‘ is from the smaller works of Imam Ibn Qudamah, who is better known for authoring major authoritative treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine. In this short book, he brings disquieting realities of fearing Allah in a unique perspective; elucidating some profound insight into the topic, its reality and merits, types and levels and cures that bring about fear. It also discusses causes that lead to a bad ending for people on this earth, while taking rooted examples from the lives of the fearful ones from among the Angels,Prophets and our righteous predecessors.

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