Abū al-Fiḍā’ ‘Imād ad-Dīn Ismā‘īl ibn ‘Umar ibn Kathīr al-Qurashī al-Damishqī, known as Ibn Kathī
Al-Hafiz Ibnu Kathir Rahimahullah Al-Dimahqi
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[HS] Qisas Al Anbiya’ / قصص الانبياء
قصص الأنبياء
للحافظ عماد الدين إسماعيل بن عمر بن كثير الدمشقي (٧.١ – ٥٧٧٤)
[QQ] Brief Interpretation Of Ibn Katheer (3vols) (عمدة التفسير عن الحافظ ابن كثير مختصر تفسير القران العظيم)
هذا الكتاب هو الطبعة الثانية عشرة المنقحة والمدققة والمصححة من سفر الامام ابن كثير فى تفسير القران العظيم والواقعة في ثلاث مجلدات وهو التفسير الأوسع انتشاراً والاكثر قبولا بين القراء في العالم العربي والإسلامي لسهولة تناوله على العامة والخاصة بعباراته السهلة البعيدة عن التعقيد والاقرب الى تفسير القران بالقران ، وقد اعتمد ابن كثيررحمه الله في تفسيره هذا اعتماداً كبيراً على تفسير الإمام الطبري حتى عُدّ عند بعض المدققين اختصاراً له .وتزداد اهمية وموثوقية هذه الطبعة بقيام العلامة الموسوعى المحقق الشيخ أحمد شاكر بتحقيقها والتعليق عليها ما يجعلها كتابين فى كتاب واحد … كتاب ابن كثير الاصلى وتعليقات واضافات أحمد شاكر عليه… رحم الله الرجلين رحمة واسعة ونفع بعملهما هذا الاسلام والمسلمين .. والله من وراء القصد وهو يهدى السبيل … م.ع.ح.
Book of the End – Great Trials & Tribulations
Like everything, the present universe will also come to an end, and it is a part of our faith to believe in the Last Day. The signs of the Day of Judgment have been foretold by our Prophet (S). Ibn Kathir has collected all the prophesies of the Prophet (S) in his book Al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah.
In this volume, we have presented from them the signs of the Hour and the events that are yet to take place, although mentioning very few examples of those prophesies that have already been realized.
Early Days : From Al – Bidayah wan – Nihayah (H/B)
The book starts by describing the beginning of creation- from the throne and the Kursi, the universe and all that is in it , such as the angels, the jinn and humans . The book also recounts stories from the lives of the prophets and their nations up to the times of the children of Israeel and the Days of Igorance,which ended with the advent of the final Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ).
In Defence of the True Faith (H/B)
Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the battles, expeditions and Peace Treaties undertaken in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This volume contains a detailed account of the most momentous events from the Battle of Badr to the Battle of Mu’tah -that occurred to the Muslims under the leadership of the Messenger of Allah. Many of these events have become immortalized by the Noble Qur’an and continue to provide invaluable lessons to humanity, now and forever.
Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen Isma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer/Kathir, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.
Life and the Times of the Messengers (H/B)
The exact number of prophets and messengers sent by Allah is not known, but the Qur’an makes clear that all of the prophets were sent to various nations to preach Islamic monotheism. Muslims believe that all the Divine Messengers ? including those in common with Judaism and Christianity ? conveyed the same message of true monotheism and submission to the one God, Allah. Belief in these prophets and messengers is an essential part of the Islamic faith and Muslims do not differentiate between them, according them all the same respect and reverence.
Miracles & Merits of Allah’s Messenger: from Al-Bidayah Wan-nihayah
Miracles & Merits of Allah’s Messenger By Ibn Katheer The book then discusses the blessed and beautiful characteristics and merits of the Prophet and then goes on to describe the miracles that he performed. Ibn Katheer than compares the miracles given to Prophet Muhammad with those that were given to the other Prophets; he then shows that Prophet Muhammad collectively received the same miracles that were granted to the other Prophets separately. AI-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End), by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen Isma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer, is considered as one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic History.
Stories Of The Prophets (IIPH)
In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from ‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur’anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur’an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer Juz’ ‘Amma: Part 30 of the Qur’an
The 30th and last section of the Qur’an is probably the most widely read and memorized of all the parts of the Qur’an, containing as it does, many short chapters which are easy to commit to memory. This explanation and commentary of those chapters will help you understand their full meaning and importance.