Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 21 products)


The Best in Islam


A groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind, compilation of authentic prophetic statements and Qur’anic verses that describe people, places and things using the terms of praise: “Good”, “Better” and “Best” or their equivalents like “beloved”, “more beloved” and “most beloved.” The 182 Hadeeth and Quranic verses are alphabetically grouped according to their various subject matters.

This truly unique work, originally compiled in the beginning of the 1990s, was aimed at enlightening English readers with issues which Islam considers to be the best and most pleasing to the Almighty God. Hence, readers can appreciate the higher objectives and goals of Islamic teachings, rites and rituals.

Arabic Grammar Made Easy (P/B)


An approach to teaching the Arabic language by introducing vocabulary and grammar in small doses, based on the most commonly used words in Arabic literature and the most frequently used grammatical constructions. Book One focuses on the rules of nominal sentences.

Arabic Reading & Writing Made Easy


The learner does not need to have memorized all the 28 Arabic alphabets and the 112 variations before learning to read and write.

Did God Become Man? (P/B)


Table of Contens:

  • Foreword
  • Belief in God
  • Man is Gods
  • God Becomes His Creatures
  • God Becomes One Man
  • Men Becom God
  • Why?
  • Did God Become Man?
  • Can Man Become God?
  • Did God Have a Son?
  • Bibliography

Dream Interpretation According to the Qur’an and Sunnah (P/B)


Separates the authentic Islamic teachings on dream interpretation from the myths, superstitions and fabrications being circulated on the subject. It also provides a guide for dream interpretation according to references found in the Quran and authentic hadeeths.

Since the English publication of Muhammad Al-Akili’s 508 page work entitled, Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams: According to Islamic Inner Traditions in 1992, followed shortly thereafter by Dreams and Interpretations by Ibn Seereen, there has been an explosion of dream interpretation and interpreters among English-speaking Muslim communities in the West. On the other hand, dream interpretation has been a long established tradition in the Muslim East. However, it has become so mixed up with superstition, myths and fortunetelling, that most educated Muslims shun this area. The fact of the matter is that dream interpretation is mentioned in the Quran and was regularly practised by the Prophet (pbuh), himself. Consequently, there is a real need to understand this subject, especially, considering that humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping.

Essay On The Heart (P/B)

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There are many books currently in circulation concerning the purification on the heart and soul. This text is a welcome addition to the Islamic English as it takes a unique approach to the subject.

There are many of this brief treatise, Ibn Taymiyah, systematically dissects the primary role of the heart in the life of a true Muslim. After discussing the heart’s purpose and function, the author discusses the prominence given to the heart in all affairs by Allah and His Prophet (pbuh) in the various texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah. He then goes on to identify the right of the heart in relationship to Allah; remeberance and consciousness of its Lord. Ibn Taymiyyah also categorized the various types of the hearts that exist relative to their states and conditions and concluded his treatise with the worst state for the heart to be in, lost, along with advice on how to avoid it.

Dr. Bilal Philips has added an extensive commentary referencing verses and tranditiona and further elucidating the deep meaning alluded to by the author, making the final text a very enjoyable inspiring read.

Funeral Rites In Islam (H/B)


The purpose of this book is to provide English speaking Muslims a concise and authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funeral rites in Islam.

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Ibn Taymeeyah’s Essay on the Jinn (P/B)


Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips has rendered Ibn Taymiyah’s treatise, Eedaah-ud-Dalaalah fee ‘Umoom-ir-Risaalah, from volume 19 of Majmoo‘-ul-Fataawa into very readable English. This abridged and annotated translation is significant in that it is perhaps the first book available in English exclusively on the topic of spirit-possession and exorcism in Islam.

Ahmad ibn ‘Abdul-Haleem ibn Taymeeyah was bron in the town of Harran [near Edessa, in what was once Northern Iraq, but is now called Orfa and is a part of Turkey.], in the year 1263 CE. His father was a leading scholar of the Hanbalite school of Islamic law and so was his grandfather, who authored Muntaqaa al-Akhbaar, the text of ash-Shawkaanee’s Hadeeth classic Nayl al-Awtaar.

Ibn Taymeeyah mastered the various disciplines of Islamic study at an early age and read extensively the books of the various sects and religions in existence at that time. Much of his time and effort was spend defending the orthodox Islamic position against a tidal wave of deviation which had swept over the Muslim nation. Consequently, he faced many difficulties from both the prominent sectarian scholars of his time and from the authorities who supported them. His clashes with them led to his imprisonment on numerous occasions. Ibn Taymeeyah also fought, not only against internal enemies of Islaam, but also against its external enemies by both his Fatwaas (Islamic legal rulings) and his physical participation in battles. His ruling allowing the taking up arms against groups which recognized the Shahaadataan (declaration of faith) but refused to uphold some aspects of the fundamental principles of Islaam, greatly affected the resistance movement against the Tartars who had declared their acceptance of Islaam but did not rule according to divine law.

During these struggles he wrote countless books and treatises demonstrating his extensive reading and knowledge, not only of the positions of the early scholars, but also those of the legal and theological schools which had subsequently evolved. Ibn Taymeeyah also had a major effect on the open-minded schoars of his day, most of whom were from the Shaafi’ite school of law. Among the most famous of his students were IBN KATHEER, ADH-DHAHABEE and IBN AL-QAYYIM. The author died in 1328 while in prison in Damascus for his Fatwaa against undertaking journeys to visit the graves of saints [Ibn Taymeeyah’s ruling was based on the authentic statement reported by Abu Hurayrah wherein the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, “Do not undertake a journey except to three masjids; this masjid of mine, Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah) and Masjid al-Aqsaa (Bayt al-Maqdis).” Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]. His Fatwaa had been distorted by his enemies to say that he forbade visiting the Prophet Muhammad’s (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) grave.

Polygamy in Islam (P/B)


Polygamy is the Muslim practice most frequently and severely maligned by Westerners and modernist Muslims. This book can be read with profit by all unprejudiced readers who wish to know its justification and rationale.

One of the greatest contrasts between Islam and the West is their conflicting concepts of relations between the sexes. Indeed, the very first question a Muslim convert is confronted with by an American or European is ‘Why does Islam allow four wives?’ This book…replies straightforwardly to that question and much more.

The authors describe all the most important characteristics of marriage in Islam, pointing out that the Western notions of sex equality and romantic premarital ‘love’ are not necessary in Islamic marriage based on piety and the commitment on the part of both parents to win the pleasure of Almighty Allah.’

This book contains basic guides for anyone interested in understanding the rights and obligations of males and females in Islamic plural marriage. The guidelines have been drawn from the Quran, Hadith and opinions of Islamic scholars.

Tafseer Soorah Al-Hujurat (H/B)


Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurât: A Commentary on the 49th Chapter of the Qur’an is a treasury of divine advice, commandments, and prohibitions regarding common problems in social relations, including gossip, spying, arguing, and bigotry. To make the best use of this chapter, the believer needs a detailed explanation of the meanings of the verses.

Dr. Bilal Philips has based his tafseer (exegesis) on the methodology used in the classical works of tafseer. He has relied first of all on the explanations found within the Qur’an itself, then on explanations found in the Sunnah and related incidents which occurred at the time of the revelation of the verses in question. Beyond these primary sources, Dr. Philips has relied on the interpretations made by the Prophet’s Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who were noted for their ability to interpret and comment on the Qur’an. ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Abbâs, for example, was called ‘The interpreter of the Qur’an’ by Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Finally, the author has made use of the grammatical explanations given in the classical tafseer works. Wherever possible, Dr. Philips has tried to apply the derived meanings of the verses to the problems of contemporary society.

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