Ali Hasan Abdul Hameed

Ali Hasan Abdul Hameed

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Hell-Fire Its Torments and Denizens


In all the divine revelations there is a constant warning that wrongdoers may end up in Hell-fire, though Allah’s kindness and mercy are extended to many people. Reading about the Hell-fire enables one to know it, fear it, and try utmost to keep oneself away from it through correct beliefs and good deeds. The more one knows about Hell-fire, the more he or she strives to be saved from its reach. Relying on statements from the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, this book enables the reader to have a realistic picture of Hell-fire’s torments. It may be enough to know that it is a raging fire, but detailed knowledge of it, as displayed in this book, will strengthen a person’s belief and eventually, Allah willing, make him or her seek for and remain steadfast on the path to salvation. This is an indispensable book for believers and non-believers alike. Hell-fire: Its Torments and Denizens is an abridged, summarized version of Siddiq Hasan Khan’s book about the Hell-fire.

Paradise Its Blessings and How To Get There (P/B)


Paradise and its inhabitants as portrayed in the Qur’an and the Hadith, then discusses the various rewards and blessings that are promised to those who make it there. Finally, the author lists the many and myriad deeds that a Muslim can do that will help him or her to achieve the Garden of Eden.

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