Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi

Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi

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15 Ways to Increase Your Earnings from the Quran and Sunnah (P/B)

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One of the blessings that Allah has given His servants is that of a convenient means of financial exchange, i.e. money. Money has since grown to become one of the most’ prized possessions of mankind, and like so many elements of the dunya, serves to test the obedience of Allah’s servants by challenging their system of priorities… Therefore, due to the fact that the Muslims of today are preoccupied with the seeking of money to an extent almost unparalleled in Islamic history, I felt the need to compile a short treatise explaining the manner in which Allah and His Messenger described how Muslims could increase their money. The focus of this book is upon encouraging Muslims to procure money through halal means, and to abstain from haram gains. Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi was born in Houston, TX, but completed his primary and secondary education in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston, after which he was accepted as a student at the Islamic University of Madinah. After completing a diploma in Arabic, he graduated with a B.A. from the College of Hadith and Islamic Sciences. He is presently doing an M.A. in Islamic Theology (‘aqidah) from the College of Da’wah at the University. Of his published works are: Riyaa: Hidden Shirk; An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an; An Explanation of the Four Principles of Shirk;Du’a: The Weapon of the Believer; and others.

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An Introduction to The Sciences of The Qur’an (H/B) Al-Hidaayah UK


An introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’aan presents a detailed and thorough explanation of the sciences related to the history, understanding and implementation of the Qur’aan. The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding: the process on Inspiration (Wahy); the various means of classifying verses of the Qur’aan; the history of the compilation of the Qur’aan; the meaning of the seven ahruf and the ten qira’aat of the Qur’aan; the miraculous nature of the Qur’aan; the concept of abrogation in the Qur’aan; the procedure and methodology of tafseer; and many other topics. The work has a number of sections dedicated to explaining the traditional Muslim refutations of certain belief of the Ash’arees with regards to the Qur’aan.

This book also includes detailed discussions on modern Western scholarship of the Qur’aan. After presenting a history of the English translation of the Qur’aan, along with a critical review of some translations, the author discusses and refutes common Orientalist polemic literature on the Qur’aan.

The work is unique in that it presents classical material in a simple and modern style, while maintaning a hight academic level. It is the most advanced work of its kind in the English language, and a necessary reference for all serious students of Islamic knowledge.

Du’a The Weapon of The Believer


The recommended etiquette of performing dua

The timings and situations in which the dua is more likely to be answered

The various factors that aid or prevent a dua from being accepted

The relationship of dua with the Divine Decree (qadr)

The wisdom behind a delayed response

This is a highly informative and essential book for every Muslim household. In this work, the author elaborates on the status, importance, and etiquette of du’a or prayer and supplications in Islam. In the most comprehensive work yet written in English on this topic, the author discusses, amongst other matters:

  • The excellence and benefits of the dua
  • The types of dua
  • The pre-conditions that are needed in order for a dua to be accepted
  • The recommended etiquette of performing dua
  • The timings and situations in which the dua is more likely to be answered
  • The various factors that aid or prevent a dua from being accepted
  • The relationship of dua with the Divine Decree (qadr)
  • The wisdom behind a delayed response

This is a highly informative and essential book for every Muslim household.

A Critical Study Of Shirk: An Explanation Of ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s


This work, which is a detailed explanation of one of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s most important works, deals with explaning and refuting the evidences that were used by certain Muslim groups of his time to justify acts of shirk (the act of associating partners with Allah). It is entitled Kash al-Shubuhat, which literally translates as: ‘the clearing of doubts.’ Ibn Abd al-Wahhab intended in this work to expose the falsity and speciousness of these arguments by proving that the pagans whom the Prophet (pbuh) fought utilized the exact same arguments and fell prey to the same reasoning as these modern practitioners of shirk did. It is one of the most advanced works on the subject, and over a dozen different arguments and evidences used to justify shirk are presented and then refuted.

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