Abdul Waheed Khan

Abdul Waheed Khan

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The Life of Prophet Muhammad (P/B)


Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) was born into a pagan society in which nearly every conceivable vice was practiced and very few virtues existed. As he grew up, he watched with disgust the great drama of evil around him. He witnessed how the human soul was suppressed, how men were oppressing and exploiting the have-nots, orphans, women, and the weakest members of society, and how the wealthy and strong enslaved the poor and weak. Through ignorance, error, superstition, and outright perversity, people were debauched by evil. Tyranny reigned supreme. The society was drunk with arrogance, empty religious formalism, and luxury. In those times of ignorance, Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) grew up. He was upright and truthful, and earned the complete trust of the people of Makkah. Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) was never taught formally by any human, and yet, in years to come, he would teach the whole world such as no one else in human history has done. You owe it to yourself to find out about this giant of history: you owe it to yourself to read this book.

The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger (P/B)


The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or another, unlike the unlettered Prophet, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah (blessings and peace be upon him). This man was a towering personality who excelled in many diverse fields; as statesman, general, teacher, lawmaker, social reformer, exemplary father and husband. His honesty and integrity were known and respected by all, even his enemies. In spite of all this, it must be said that the truth is often obscured about the one whom George Bernard Shaw described as “that wonderful man who is unknown to many outside the Muslim world”. In this book, ‘Abdul Waheed Khan focuses on the true personality of the last Messenger of Allah, in order to demolish all the distortions and misconceptions which have been propagated by biased or ignorant writers and hopefully, to induce in the reader a sense of reverence and respect for this greatest man in the history of the world. If you do not yet know the truth about this giant of history, you owe it to yourself to find out about him.

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