Golden Supplications (P/B)
For this book, ‘ Golden Supplications’ I have chosen only the most important supplications, so that our common people are able to memorize them with ease from one single book. It has been the ardent desire of the management at Darussalam for quite some time to publish this book with a beautiful design and loyout, thus making it attractive and assissting common people learning. Furthermore, I have also added some instrustions and manners related to the supplications in order to assist the readers in understanding and implementing the duas. It is important that parents also memorize these supplications themselves as it will greaty help their children in memorizing them too.
Golden Words (H/B)
Islam has declared this world and life as a test case for human beings. To live a successful life, Allah SWT has sent His Divine Teachings to help humans understand what to do and what not. This book “Golden Words (Golden Stories) consists of short stories and incidents that occurred during the life time of Prophet (Peace be upon him), Rightly Guided Caliphs, Salf-us-Saleheen, renowned kings/ rulers and other shining stars of the Islamic history. The purpose of these short stories is simple; providing real-life lessons to the readers.
The book provides a clear understanding of our ancestors, their thorough and firm knowledge, their intelligence, proper comprehension, modesty, sacrifices and their endeavors to elevate the truth. This is particularly rewarding book for youngsters that will find it a helping hand in living as per Islamic principles.
Loving Our Parents Stories of Duties & Obligations
Loving our Parents is a wonderful collection of stories from the loves of ordinary people on the rewards of treating our parents with honor and respect.
It also has detailed and authentic accounts from both the Noble Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah on our duties and obligations to those who have sacrificed so much to raise and educate us.
Prayers for Muslim Children (P/B)
Full colour booklet of prayers for Muslim children. Includes English, Arabic, plus English transliteration for pronunciation. All the glorifications and praises are for ALLAH alone, and His countless Blessings be upon the last Prophet, Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم. To bring up a child under the blessings of ALLAH, it is necessary that from an early age we should introduce them to the ways of invoking our Lord, the Magnificent, the Beneficent.
All of the invocations, praises and mentioning of ALLAH presented in this book are related from the Sahih Ahadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad صلی الله علیه وآلهِ وسلم. May ALLAH fulfil our wishes and make our efforts successful in this regard. Amin.