Collection of Treatises & Fatawa on Fiqh of Polygyny
“Polygyny is made lawful in the two Qurʾanic verses in Surah An-Nisa [verses 3 & 129].”
Essential Lessons for Every Muslim
This work is a translation of Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz’s book ‘Ad-Duroos Al-Muhimmah li-Ammatil-Ummah.’ It contains concise lessons that explain the fundamental teachings of Islam. This book covers a wide range of basic information such as the meaning of Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), the categories and implications of Shirk (polytheism), the regulations of prayer, and Islamic morals and manners. As the title implies, these are truly essential lessons for everyone who is concerned with the correctness of his Islamic beliefs and acts of worship.
Explanation of Important Lessons (For Every Muslim) (H/B)
This book is a short work to explain what every Muslim needs to know about the religion of Islam. It covers many lessons under 18 chapters.
Indispensable Implication of Sunnah (P/B)
The author has discusses the topic of innovation in Islam. For example, he proves that celebrating the Prophet’s birthday is not right according to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Islamic Verdicts on Medicine & Cosmetic Surgery
We had the honor of our eyes being gifted with seeing his eminence Imam Abdul Aziz Bin Baz may Allah bestow upon him immense mercy and of sitting with him when he delivered verdicts regarding rulings of the Shariah on many medical issues which have been increasingly asked about by patients and people working in the medical field. We focused ourselves, with success granted by Allah, on the authenticity of medical information to the best of our ability. We have applied our best efforts in its presentation while simplifying it as much as possible. This is so that it is easily understood by those who are not specialists in medical fields.
Words of Advice Regarding Da’wah
A unique collection of fatawa (Islamic legal rulings) by the noble Shaikh Bin Baz (Former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia) on the subject of da’wah, calling to Islam. This book clearly illustrates the vast experience, the deep wisdom and the expansive knowledge of the author, particularly in the field of da’wah. This discourse should prove to be beneficial to every Muslim but indispensable for those engaged in da’wah. The reader will find that the book addresses many practical points and contains answers to questions that often arise concerning da’wah.