When GOD Almighty decides something, He renounces the laws of nature in order for these to happen:
The sea does not drown,
The fire does not burn,
The mountain becomes unbreakable,
The whale did not digest,
The virgin gave birth, and her baby spoke in the cradle,
The stick breathes,
The pebbles talk,
The sleeping did not wake for 300 years or more,
A throne in Yemen came to Sham in a blink of an eye,
The sun stopped in its axis while the moon split,
And the dead shall live,
and abundance shall be victorious.
Never say it’s impossible. For Allah, they’re all possible.
Instead, say, O Lord, be pleased and help.
All creations are His creation, and the matters are in His command. We are in His possession and all good is in His hands.
– Translated from Arabic by Farid Abu Ahmed (November 16th, 2021)
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