This book has been compiled through the hard work and efforts of the Al-Furqan Academy members of staff, derived from the teaching method of Dr. Ibraaheem Al-Arnaut who started with just notes, to the teachers trained by them who helped compile it into what you see today.
The experience Al-Furqan Academy has had in teaching both locals and foreigners the Qur’an, from born muslims who had not learned the proper recitation of the Qur’an, to new muslims who were keen to learn how to recite the book of Allah, has resulted in this book that we have today. We want to keep it simple enough for everyone to be able to understand, but not too simple that it is not self explanatory. To achieve this, we have combined the theoretical rules of tajweed with a tadribat or practice pages to be used as a practice tool to complement the theory of Qur’an recitation before the student progresses into reciting from the Qur’an.
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